Instituto Especializado de Estudios Supeiores Loyola (IESSL)

Founded 1952
Region Latin America
Description On July 23, 1952, the Dominican entrusted to the Society of Jesus, the responsibility to create and direct the Loyola Polytechnic Institute. This school was devote their best efforts to achieve comprehensive training and technical education students. On 25 February 1989, the Executive Decree No.8389 empowers the Loyola Polytechnic Institute to issue certificates of higher technical level. Today, Loyola Polytechnic became a university by resolution no. 26-2008 of the National Council of Higher Education, Science and Technology.
Email Address
Address C / Padre Angel Aria, No.1, San Cristòbal, Dominican Republic

City San Cristóbal
State San Cristóbal
Zip Code 91000
Country Dominican Republic
Alumni 0
Staff 0
Undergraduate Enrollment 0
  • School of Engineering