Women's Archives Mapping Project Directory Search |
Archives for Research on Women and Gender |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections and Archives Department University of Texas at San Antonio |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | 210-458-2381 |
Organization Fax | 210-458-2386 |
Organization Mail ID | gschaad@utsa.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.utsa.edu/Archives/arwg.html |
Person to be Contacted | Gerrianne Schaad, Director of Archives |
Materials Solicited | |
UTSA specializes in acquiring primary source materials that document the lives of women, constructions of gender, and expressions of sexual identity in San Antonio and South Texas. The Archives also acquires the records of organizations (religious, secular, educational, professional or social) that are defined by gender, or focus on issues of sexual identity or gender equality. | |
Holdings | |
The collections are described in our Subject Guide to Manuscript Collections which can be accessed at http://www.lib.utsa.edu/Archives/collex.html |
Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
Organization Affiliation | Walter P. Reuther Library Wayne State University |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (313) 577-4024 |
Organization Fax | (313) 577-4300 |
Organization Mail ID | reutherreference@wayne.edu |
Organization URL | www.reuther.wayne.edu |
Person to be Contacted | Reference Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Women in the labor and related reform movements; lavor journalists; individuals and organizations in Detroit and Michigan active in women's rights movement; women's voluntary organizations in Detroit and Michigan; women's health care and nursing education in Detroit and Michigan; social welfare in Detroit and Michigan. | |
Holdings | |
Holdings in all media, with over 130 manuscript collections, most covering the period 1930 to the present. Included are the papers of Grace Lee Boggs, Selma Borchardt, Raya Dunayevskaya, Katharine Pollak Ellickson, elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Dorothy Haener, Mary Fox Herling, Dolores Huerta, Mildred Jeffrey, Olga Madar, Mary White Ovington, Rosa Parks, Marjorie Stern, Muriel Tuteur, Edith Van Horn, Mary van Kleeck, Mary Heaton Vorse, and Edna Noble White. Among the organizational collections that are particularly notable for their content related to women are the American Association of University Women of Michigan, American Federation of Teachers, Association of Flight Attendants, Coalition of Labor Union Women, Detroit Feminist Women's Health Center, Service Employees International Union and United Automobile Workers. Finding aids to some collections accessible on the Reuther Library web site. |
Archives of Women in Science and Engineering |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections Department Iowa State University |
Organization Address | 403 Parks Library |
Organization Phone | 515-294-6672 |
Organization Fax | 515-294-5525 |
Organization Mail ID | tzanish@iastate.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.iastate.edu/spcl/wise/wise.html |
Person to be Contacted | Tanya Zanish-Belcher, Curator |
Materials Solicited | |
The Archives of Women in Science and Engineering seeks to preserve the historical heritage of American women in science and engineering. To do this, the Archives solicits, collects, arranges, and describes the personal papers of women scientists and engineers as well as the records of national and regional womens organizations in these fields. The Archives will also serve as a local, regional, national, and international resource for information on women in science and engineering, with a particular emphasis on K-12 and college level students. |
Holdings | |
The WISE Archives currently contains over 100 collections belonging to women scientists or their organizations. They include the personal papers of Darleane Hoffman (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories), Nina Roscher (American University), and Betty Vetter (Commission of Professionals in Science and Technology). There are also the personal papers of Iowa State women scientists such as Carolyn Heising (College of Engineering) and Patricia Thiel (Chemistry Department). Organizational records collections include those from the Association for Women Geoscientists, Iota Sigma Pi (the womens chemistry honorary society), and the Professional Women in the American Nuclear Society Committee. In 2002, the Archives received funding from the Henry and Camille Dreyfus Foundation to conduct interviews with women in chemistry and chemical engineering. Approximately 55 interviews has been completed, and they include Mildred Cohn (University of Pennsylvania), Mary Sue Coleman (University of Michigan President), Helen Free (Miles Laboratory), and Isabella Karle (Naval Research Laboratory), and Zaida Morales-Martinez (Florida International University). The WISE Archives also conducts interviews with women scientists in other fields. |
Baker-Cederberg Museum and Archives |
Organization Affiliation | Rochester General Hospital |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (716) 922.3521 |
Organization Fax | (716) 922.3521 |
Organization Mail ID | phil.maples@viahealth.org |
Organization URL | http://www.viahealth.org/archives/ |
Person to be Contacted | Philip G. Maples, Director |
Materials Solicited | |
All of the above as it applies to Rochester General, The Genesee Hospital and its military organizations. | |
Holdings | |
Women in hospital work, boards of directors, nursing. Nursing Education. Women in the Military. |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Organization Affiliation | University Archives |
Organization Address | University Libraries |
Organization Phone | (412) 268-7402 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | jbenford@andrew.cmu.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.library.cmu.edu/Research/Archives/ |
Person to be Contacted | Jennie Benford, University/Heinz Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
The university archives welcomes the personal papers of faculty, administration, staff or alumni relating to the history of the university or areas of special interest to the university. | |
Holdings | |
Margaret Morrison Carnegie College: 7 linear feet of papers, 1908-73. This information pertains to the Dean's Office as well as to individual departments. This college closed in 1971. Commission on the Role and Status of Women at Carnegie Mellon University: 2 linear feet of papers, 1971-95. Fraternities, Sororities, Honoraries, etc.: 2 linear feet of documents that pertain to general fraternity policy and to the individual campus organizations, 1912-88. Women's Center: 3/4 linear foot of papers, 1988-94. Elizabeth "Bes" Kimberly Collection: 3 linear feet of papers, books, photographs, and scrapbooks in the area of costume design, 1926-73. Kimberly was an Associate Professor of Drama. |
Center for American History |
Organization Affiliation | The University of Texas at Austin |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (512) 495-4515 |
Organization Fax | (512) 495-4542 |
Organization Mail ID | bgunn@mail.utexas.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.cah.utexas.edu |
Person to be Contacted | Brenda Gunn |
Materials Solicited | |
We collect in the following areas, and any of these areas would include materials pertaining to women's organizations and papers of women: history of Texas, the Southwest, the South, and the Rocky Mountain West; the history of the University of Texas; congressional history; and specific national-in-scope topics including, media history, and the history of the professional touring entertainment industry. | |
Holdings | |
Holdings pertaining to women, including women's organizations and papers of women total, approximately: 3394 linear feet; 39,363 images. The span dates are as follows: 1691 - the present. The subjects covered in our women's collections include the following: domestic affairs, labor unions, social life and customs, suffrage, journalism and the press, education, politics and government, athletics, maternal and infant welfare, women's clubs and associations (religious, secular, educational, social). |
Chicago Jewish Archives |
Organization Affiliation | Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (312)322-1741 |
Organization Fax | (312)922-0455 |
Organization Mail ID | archives@spertus.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.spertus.edu |
Person to be Contacted | Director |
Materials Solicited | |
Any materials related to activities and organizations of Jewish women in Chicago, personal papers of Jewish women, photographs, etc. Synagogue records, records of activism in labor, women's rights and other movements, volunteer and hilanthropic activities, and any other material documenting the history of Chicago Jewish women. | |
Holdings | |
Papers of Rose Haas Alschuler, 1887-1979 (7 boxes) Papers of Rosemary Krensky, ca. 1900-1996 (30 boxes) Records of Johanna Lodge, 1883-1967 (11 boxes) Records of Michael Reese Hospital Woman's Board, 1920-1981 (20 boxes) |
Clemson University |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections Clemson University Libraries |
Organization Address | Strom Thurmond Institute Building |
Organization Phone | (864) 565-3031 |
Organization Fax | (864) 656-0233 |
Organization Mail ID | jcross@clemson.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.clemson.edu/SpCol/schp.html |
Person to be Contacted | Manuscripts Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
1. Do not solicit women's collections per se, but are interested in women's collections as they fit into our collecting areas (e.g., textile history, history of upstate South Carolina and Clemson area, Clemson University, etc.) 2. Collections/accessions listed are only those that most directly relate to women; other holdings (e.g. political collections, University Archives) will have material that is of interest to those researching women's history. | |
Holdings | |
*Small Collections: MSS 5, Ethel Mitchell collection 1938, 1940, 1955, 1961. 4 items MSS 9 Elizabeth Porcher Ravenel biographical sketches, May-July 1967. 4 items MSS 106 Essie Boggs collection, 1850-1934. 4 items MSS 111 Floride Clemson Diary 1863-1866. 1 volume (122 pages) MSS 140 Anne Redfern Diaries, 1918-1924, (bulk 1918-1924). .3 cubic feet MSS 145 Ida Bradley diaries, 1879-1889. .66 cubic feet MSS 196 Mary Esther Huger papers, 1820-1840; 1822, 1825-1843; 1879; 1880; 1888-1889; 1969; 1971. 20 items, including two photographs MSS 215 Harriet R. Holman papers, 1904, c.1965, 1978. 14 items, including eight photographs and two oversize certificates *Women's Organizations: MSS 81 American Association of University Women, Clemson Branch, records, 1947-1985. 1 cubic foot MSS 199 Clemson University Woman's Club records, 1916-1995. 3.10 cubic ft., including two oversize volumes and photographs *Literary Collections: MSS 63 Julia Mood Peterkin collection, 1922-1964 (bulk 1920-1930's). .25 cubic feet MSS 129 Betsy Byars papers, 1962-1991. 4 cubic feet 9 boxes, 3 audio cassettes, 11 video cassettes, 2 video tapes *Other collections that have significant amounts of material relating to women: MSS 2 Thomas Green Clemson papers, 1786-2000, (bulk 1844-1888). 4.25 cubic feet, 12 oversize folders 3 rolls of 35mm microfilm MSS 100 Strom Thurmond collection. Jean Crouch Thurmond series, 1943-1962, (bulk 1947-1960). 8.5 cubic feet, 3 volumes MSS 171 Roy Martin papers, 1935-1945, 1998, (bulk 1935-1945). .6 cubic feet MSS 200 John C. Calhoun papers, 1784-1935, (bulk 1802-1850). 5.5 cubic feet *University Archives Series 5 Robert Franklin Poole Presidential Records Correspondence, 1940-1958 (bulk 1945-1958). 4 cubic feet Series 6 Robert Franklin Poole Presidential Records Administrative Officers File, 1927-1958. .6 cubic feet Series 7 Robert Franklin Poole Presidential Records Committee Files, 1928-1955 (bulk 1930-1955). 1.3 cubic feet Series 31 Cooperative Extension Service Programs, 1930-1984 (bulk 1970-1980). 21 cubic feet, 4 photographs, 3 oversize items Series 32 Cooperative Extension Service Administration, 1918-1987 (bulk 1966-1980). 54 cubic feet, 158 photographs, 48 oversize items, scrapbook Series 33 Cooperative Extension Service Field Operations, 1917-1985 (bulk 1940-1950). 204 cubic feet, 4 cubic feet photographs, 79 reels of microfilm Series 51 Cooperative Extension Service Photographs, 1880-1979 (bulk 1930-1957). Approximately 11,950 images both positive and negative, 20 oversize photographs *Unprocessed holdings Martin Family papers, 1854-1925. .5 cubic feet Nell Smith papers (South Carolina state senator), 1982-1992. 41 cubic feet Nancy Steorts papers (Chair of Consumer Products Safety Commission, 1981-1985), 1968-2000. c. 180 cubic feet (IN PROCESS; will be Mss 123 |
Colorado College |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections |
Organization Address | Tutt Library |
Organization Phone | (719) 389-6668 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | jrandall@coloradocollege.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.coloradocollege.edu/library/ |
Person to be Contacted | Curator |
Materials Solicited | |
Correspondence, manuscripts, and any other unique material relating to the 19th century novelist and political activist Helen Hunt Jackson. | |
Holdings | |
Helen Hunt Jackson papers, 1815 - 1970 (bulk 1828 - 1886), 12 linear feet (20 boxes) Diaries, letters, and papers concerning several 19th and 20th century Colorado Springs women. |
Columbia University |
Organization Affiliation | Archives & Special Collections Columbia University Health Sciences Division |
Organization Address | A.C. Long Health Sciences Library |
Organization Phone | (212) 305-7931 |
Organization Fax | (212) 305-6097 |
Organization Mail ID | sen13@columbia.edu |
Organization URL | http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/library/archives/index.html |
Person to be Contacted | Stephen E. Novak, Head |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
Hattie Alexander (pediatrician). Memorabilia, c.1940s-1970 .25 cubic feet Viola Wertheim Bernard (psychiatrist, child welfare advocate, social activist). Papers, 1919-98, 145 cubic feet Susan Dwight Bliss (philanthropist). Papers, 1926-27, 1935-55, .5 cubic feet Elizabeth Davis (African-American psychiatrist). Papers, 1949-98, .15 cubic feet Elizabeth Gill (Dean, Columbia U. School of Nursing). Papers, 1937-68, .35 cubic feet Betty Nordstrom Hanway (student, School of Nursing). Scrapbook, 1948-51, 1 vol. Wilma Stevens Hawkins (nurse) "Five Years in Syria" 1934-39 (compiled,c.1980), 1 vol. Aileen I. Hogan (nurse) "Letters from Second General, 1942-1945" (compiled, c.1980) 1 vol. Patricia Jones (nurse) Student notebooks, 1957-60, 1.25 cubic feet Virginia Shattuck King (nurse). Scrapbook, 1941-44, 1 vol. Auchincloss Florence Nightingale Collection [includes books, correspondence, visual materials, and artifacts], 1836-1910, c. 7 cubic feet June Lyday Orton (dyslexia research and treatment). Papers and case files [forms part of Samuel T. and June Lyday Orton Papers], c.1900-1977, c. 60 cubic feet Margarita Silva-Hutner (medical mycologist). Medical Mycology Laboratory Collection, 1929-1994, 5.5 cubic feet Columbia University School of Nursing. Office of the Dean. Records, 1967-1985, 6 cubic feet Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association, Inc., Records, c.1920s-1980s, c. 20 cubic feet [not processed] Babies and Children's Hospital. Records [Trustees' minutes, annual reports, scrapbooks,photographs,etc.], 1880s-1940s, c. 3 cubic feet (the hospital was founded and usually run by women) |
Emma Goldman Papers Project |
Organization Affiliation | University of California, Berkeley |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (510) 642-4708 |
Organization Fax | (510) 642-4728 |
Organization Mail ID | emma@uclink.berkeley.edu |
Organization URL | http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Goldman |
Person to be Contacted | |
Materials Solicited | |
Anything pertaining to Goldman, her associates, and the movements in which she played a part. | |
Holdings | |
The Emma Goldman Papers document the life and influence of Emma Goldman (1869-1940), the Russian-born anarchist and life-long advocate of women's rights, freedom of expression, and social justice. The collection is a unique and dynamic representation of Goldman's dialogue with many of the leading political theorists, writers, journalists, and creative thinkers on the burning issues of her time, including birth control and women's independence. |
Episcopal Diocese of Western New York |
Organization Affiliation | Archives - Episcopal Diocese of Western New York |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (716) 881-0660 |
Organization Fax | (716) 881-1724 |
Organization Mail ID | swampcrone@prodigy.net |
Organization URL | http://buffalolore.buffalonet.org/episcopal/episcopalarchives.htm |
Person to be Contacted | Nancy Pitkowski, Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Episcopal church women in the late 19th and early 20th century especially from Western New York State | |
Holdings | |
Total women's material approximately 6 cubic feet 3 linear feet 1. Original material related to the organization and process of the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions in the Diocese of Western New York and its evolution into the Episcopal Church Women 1881 - present. Sketch and Constitution of the Western New York Branch of the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Rochester NY, Minutes of the Buffalo District Buffalo New York. 1881-1905. Yearbooks - 1882 - 2000. 4 cubic feet 2. Parish records of the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions and Women's Guild Church of the Ascension- (1.5 cubic feet) Minutes of the Belle Riley Chapter of the Women's Auxiliary, 1915 -1930. Buffalo NY Women's Guild Minutes 1915 - 1970s St. Thomas' Church- Minutes of the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Buffalo NY, 1921-1924. St. Stephen's Church Minutes of the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Buffalo, New York, 1894. St. Mary's on the Hill Women's Guild Minutes St. Paul's Cathedral .5 linear feet Guild of St. Hilda Women's Auxiliary Minutes Church of the Holy Communion (1 book) Minutes of the Women's League. Buffalo NY, 1929-1937. The Church Home League. The Cosmovilla Calendar. Buffalo NY, 1907 (1 book) 3. Ordination process material from The Rev Dr. Sarah M. Reith 1 cubic foot plus audio tape interview. |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Archives |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (847) 690-9410 |
Organization Fax | (847) 690-9502 |
Organization Mail ID | Jeannine_Strunk@elca.org |
Organization URL | http://www.elca.org/os/archives/intro.html |
Person to be Contacted | |
Materials Solicited | |
Any papers of women involved in Lutheran work (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lutheran work - we do not collect Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod materials) are welcome. | |
Holdings | |
We have many (unfortunately unprocessed) collections of women's missionary organizations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and its predecessor church bodies (The American Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Church in America, the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America, the United Lutheran Church in America, Augustana Synod, General Synod, General Council, United Synod South, American Evangelical Lutheran Church - formerly Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church - formerly Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, and United Evangelical Lutheran Church). We also have personal papers of missionaries and church workers. Some specific personal paper accessions include: Bacon, Esther (1916-1972), Papers, c.1941-1990s, 3 boxes. Accession #96-87 Papers related to the Missionary and Nurse-Midwife to Liberia 1941-1972. From research conducted by Dr. Birney Dibble her biographer, Outlaw for God, 1992. Evald, Emmy Carlsson (1857-1946) and Carl Anderson Evald (1849-1909) Papers, 1870-1946, 1957-1959, 3 Boxes. Pa 25. Founder and president Augustana Church Women's Missionary Society, 1892-1935; Augustana Church pastor in Minnesota and Illinois; Minnesota Conference secretary; Illinois Conference secretary, vice president and president. Fischer, Dr. Viola I. (1899-1990) Papers, 1940-1965, 1 Box; slides and photographs. Pa 136. Augustana Church missionary to China, medical doctor. Gartelman, Mildred (1899- ) Papers, 1918, 1930s-1980s, 1 Box. Accession 89-50. United Lutheran Church in America/Lutheran Church in America/Evangelical Lutheran Church in America laywoman; Active in United Lutheran Church in America Georgia-Alabama Synod and National Luther League. Kugler, Anna (1856-1930) Papers, 1877-1930, 5.5 Boxes. Pa 41. General Council Missionary to India as Medical Doctor. Lehmann, Katherine (1876-1960) Papers, 1930-1950, 1 Box. Accession 89-25. Joint Synod of Ohio/American Lutheran Church Women's Missionary Society President. |
Florida State Archives |
Organization Affiliation | Florida Department of State Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives |
Organization Address | R.A. Gray Building |
Organization Phone | (850) 245-6700 |
Organization Fax | (850) 488-4894 |
Organization Mail ID | egolding@mail.dos.state.fl.us |
Organization URL | http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/barm/ |
Person to be Contacted | Archival Consultant |
Materials Solicited | |
The Florida State Archives, under the Florida Department of State, is the official repository for the public records of the state of Florida. The Archives is mandated by law to collect, maintain, and make available the permanently valuable records that are created or received during the course of state business. The Archives also collects the records of private individuals and organizations that document Florida history. The Florida State Archives seeks to expand its holdings in the area of women's history. Materials documenting the history of women in Florida are actively sought. Relevant collections include the records of women's organizations and of individuals that document the social, legal, and economic status of women throughout Florida's history. The Archives welcomes donations in the area of women's history, with the understanding that the collections will be made accessible to the public. All potential acquisitions are reviewed by the Archives' Acquisition Committee and must conform to the guidelines outlined in the Bureau's Collection Development Policy. In general, the Archives will accept records in a wide variety of formats, including paper originals, microfilm, photographs, audio recordings, and videotapes. The Archives does not collect artifacts, newspapers, or other materials not related to Florida, nor does the Archives purchase collections. The Archives also welcomes suggestions regarding possible acquisitions and the documentation of the history of women in Florida. | |
Holdings | |
A 1996 guide to women's history resources in the Florida State Archives, including collection titles, dates, volume, and brief descriptions, is available on our web site at: http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/barm/fsa/women'sguide.htm. IN ADDITION to the collections listed in the above guide, the Florida State Archives has acquired the following collections since 1996: M96-2. Louise Barcus, b. 1865 or 1866 Journal, n.d. (ca. 1895-1912). 1 vol. M96-18. United Daughters of the Confederacy. Florida Division. Scrapbooks, 1900-1935. 12 vol. M96-19. Dr. Mohinder Jain. Papers, 1989-1998. .5 cubic ft. M96-24. Leona H. Cooper, 1932- Papers, 1948-1996. 2.5 cubic ft. M97-11. Reminiscences about Aunt Memory, n.d. (ca. late 19th-early 20th C.). 2 items. M97-12. Women's Christian Temperance Union of Florida. Records, 1886-1984. 1 cubic ft. M97-13. Dorothy L.H. Page. Papers, 1935-1997. .24 cubic ft. M97-14. National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century. Florida Society. Minutes, 1936-1996. 3 microfilm reels. M97-17. Mary Crozier Tallahassee Interview Tapes and Transcripts, 1991-2000. 6 items. M97-21. WLRN (Radio Station : Miami, Fla.) "Straight Talk With Audrey Finkelstein" Civil Rights Radio Series Audio Cassettes, 1997. 7 items. M98-2. Molly Turner. Papers, 1949-1996. 3 cubic ft. M98-3. Rosemary Barkett. Papers, 1970-1997. 5 cubic ft. M98-5. Dr. Patricia Clements. Oral History Interviews, 1997-1998. 8 items. M98-6. Mattie Belle Davis. Business and Professional Women's Clubs Records, 1930-1998. 9 cubic ft. M98-10. Florida School Food Service Association. Records, 1946-1998. 18 cubic ft. N2000-5. O. Kathryn Bell Meyer, 1909-1999. Papers, 1937-1993. .75 cubic ft. N2000-20. Marie Louise McClure. Photographic Collection, n.d. 35 items. N2000-25. Coral Gables (Fla.). Cable TV Division. Coral Gables Oral History Interview Video Recordings, 2000. 2 items. S1676. Florida. Office of Secretary of State. 1997 Outstanding Women Achievement Awards Presentation Videotape, 1997. 1 item. S1712. Florida. Bureau of Florida Folklife Programs. Florida Folklife Archive. "Women's Contributions" seminar audio tapes and logs, 1989. .33 cubic ft. S1723. Florida. Bureau of Florida Folklife Programs. Florida Folklife Archive. Versiteers Award Ceremony Tapes and Photographs, 1992. .1 cubic ft. S1741. Florida Commission on the Status of Women. Correspondence and General Administrative Files, 1980-1999. 10.33 cubic ft. S1742. Florida Commission on the Status of Women. Meeting Files and Tapes, 1991-1997. 11 cubic ft. S1743. Florida Commission on the Status of Women. Budget and Grant Files, 1992-1996. 1 cubic ft. S1748. Florida. Office of Secretary of State. Secretary of State Sandra Mortham's Correspondence, 1995-1999. 8 cubic ft. S1750. Florida. Office of Secretary of State. Secretary of State Sandra Mortham's Subject Files, 1994-1998. 5.25 cubic ft. S1773. Florida. Office of the Governor. Florida Women's Conference Records, 1997. 1.75 cubic ft. S1774. Florida. Office of the Governor. Women's Hall of Fame Records, 1996-1998. .75 cubic ft. S1785. Florid Division of Family Health. Sexual Violence Prevention Program Records, 1983-1995. 4 cubic ft. S1789. Florida Commission on the Status of Women. Employment Survey Files, 1993-1997. 6 cubic ft. S1790. Florida Commission on the Status of Women. Florida Women's Hall of Fame Nomination Files, 1992-1997. 6.25 cubic ft. S1804. Office of Secretary of State. Secretary of State Katherine Harris's Correspondence, 1999-2000. 10.5 cubic ft. S1806. Office of Secretary of State. Secretary of State Katherine Harris's Subject Files, 1999. 1 cubic ft. |
Franco-American Women's Institute |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (207) 989-7059 |
Organization Fax | (207) 989-7059 |
Organization Mail ID | RJCR@aol.com |
Organization URL | http://www.fawi.net/ |
Person to be Contacted | Rhea Cole Robbins, M.A., Founder/Director |
Materials Solicited | |
Franco-American women materials of any interest. | |
Holdings | |
Franco-American women collection of writings, papers, newspaper articles, photos, from the late 1800's to the present. |
Gerald R. Ford Library |
Organization Affiliation | National Archives and Records Administration |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (734) 741-2218 |
Organization Fax | (734) 741-2341 |
Organization Mail ID | david.horrocks@nara.gov |
Organization URL | http://www.ford.utexas.edu |
Person to be Contacted | Supervisory Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
The Library seeks papers significantly related to Federal government policies and operations in the 1970s, national political affairs in the 1970s, or the lives of Gerald Ford and Betty Ford. | |
Holdings | |
During the 1970s, women's economic and civil rights, social role, and political power became a more prominent part of the public agenda. The Ford White House faced these issues in many guises: an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, development of the first Title IX regulations, military academy admittance, abortion policy, credit and property law reform, for examples. The substantive and symbolic intertwined on such matters as the appointment of women, communication with women voters, and participation in the United Nation's International Women's Year, 1975. First lady Betty Ford was the focus of conflicting reactions and expectations for her candor on social, political, and health issues. Throughout the Ford administration, women office-holders such as Housing Secretary Carla Hills (the first woman appointed to the Cabinet in 20 years) and Bobbie Greene Kilberg (Associate Counsel re school desegregation, terrorism, Secret Service issues) sought to exercise greater power on issues unrelated to gender. These concerns are reflected in numerous subcollections of the Ford Presidential Papers, the Papers of Betty Ford, and the donated personal papers of former administration officials. |
Girls Incorporated National Resource Center |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (317) 634-7546, Ext.15 |
Organization Fax | (317) 634-3024 |
Organization Mail ID | mmaschino@girls-inc.org |
Organization URL | http://www.girlsinc.org |
Person to be Contacted | Librarian |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
Girls Incorporated National Resource Center contains a library of research about women and girls, primarily ages 6-18, but there are women's books written by significant individuals in the women's movement. In addition the archives of the organization is housed here. The dates begin with the early activities of the organization's founders, starting in the latter part of the 1800's and continue to the present day. |
Hadassah Archives at the American Jewish Historical Society |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (917) 606-8259 |
Organization Fax | (212) 294-6161 |
Organization Mail ID | swoodland@hadassah.org |
Organization URL | http://www.hadassah.org |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Papers, artifacts, photographs relating to the work of Hadassah leadership, as well as the work of Hadassah members in chapters around the country. | |
Holdings | |
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America (est. 1912), is a not-for-profit volunteer women's organization that raises money for educational and medical institutions in Israel and provides educational information to its membership in the U.S. The archives (about 900 linear feet) contains the papers created in the national office in New York City and documents the work of the women who have led Hadassah. In personal papers, publications, photographs, and other records all of the material in the archives serves to document the work of this women's organization from its founding in 1912 through c.1990. |
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center |
Organization Affiliation | The University of Texas at Austin |
Organization Address | Ransom Center P.O. Box 7219 |
Organization Phone | (512) 471-9119 |
Organization Fax | (512) 471-2899 |
Organization Mail ID | c.henderson@mail.utexas.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.hrc.utexas.edu |
Person to be Contacted | Associate Librarian |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
189 collections of women's papers |
Hetty Green Historical Society |
Organization Affiliation | A Frugal Woman's Museum |
Organization Address | 52 Union Street |
Organization Phone | (888) 554-3889 |
Organization Fax | (508) 996-0326 |
Organization Mail ID | edie@hettygreen.com |
Organization URL | http://www.hettygreen.com |
Person to be Contacted | Melanie Marcotte |
Materials Solicited | |
Materials, primary and secondary sources, regarding Hetty Green richest woman in the world Estate and financial information pretaining to Hetty Green real estate holdings throughtout the country, stock, or railroads. |
Holdings | |
newspaper, magazine, photographs, and paper ephemera 1834-present film footage of son Col. Edward Howland Robinson Green at their ancestral homesite (@1925-30) |
Hollins University |
Organization Affiliation | University Archives Wyndham Robertson Library |
Organization Address | P.O. Box 9000 |
Organization Phone | (540) 362-6237 |
Organization Fax | (540) 362-6756 |
Organization Mail ID | bharris@hollins.edu |
Organization URL | http://hollins.edu/academics/library |
Person to be Contacted | Special Collections Management Librarian |
Materials Solicited | |
At this time, we are collecting primarily those related in some way to Hollins. | |
Holdings | |
Hollins University, established in 1842, is a women's university and is a good source for documenting women's education in the South. In addition to university records, papers of faculty and alumnae have been collected over the years, and include letters, diaries and school work from various time periods. Many writers have graduated from Hollins (or taught here) and we have recently begun collecting literary papers. Holdings include those of children's author Margaret Wise Brown (class of 1932), Margaret Gibson, Julia Randall, Shannon Ravenel, and Lee Smith. |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Organization Affiliation | University Archives Paul V. Galvin Library |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (312) 567-6840 |
Organization Fax | (312) 567-5318 |
Organization Mail ID | bruck@iit.edu |
Organization URL | http://archives.iit.edu |
Person to be Contacted | University Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Materials concerning women faculty, staff, or alumnae of Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago), its predecessor and affiliate institutions (primarily Armour Institute of Technology, Lewis Institute, Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Institute of Design), 1890s to present. Materials concerning women's activites and organizations associated with IIT, its predecessors, or affiliates. |
Holdings | |
Small amounts of biographical materials and photos of significant women at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago), its predecessor and affiliate institutions (primarily Armour Institute of Technology, Lewis Institute, Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Institute of Design), 1890s to present; notably, Lois Graham (b. 1925), Julia Beveridge (d. 1919), Esther Rothstein (d. 1998), Mollie Cohen (d. ca. 1966?). Photograph Collection; mostly unprocessed; topical and name search available in IIT Archives. Lewis Institute Records (being processed, Aug. 2001) include the school's WW I-era Patriotic League materials. 1990.01, (Faculty) Women's Club, 1939 - 1984 (45 linear inches); includes board meeting minutes, newsletters, presidents' files, financial materials, Ada S. McKinley House activities (community service program ca. 1968), and Julia Beveridge program activities (scholarship and benefit). 1998.46, Ralph Owens Papers, Box 53, Society of Women Engineers, 1952 1967 (one folder); includes a list of women who had received engineering degrees from Armour Institute of Technology, Lewis Institute, and IIT as of 1952. 1998.49, Henry T. Heald Papers, Box 78, Faculty Womens Club, 1936-1937 (one folder); includes list of club members. 1998.62, Hotchkiss Papers, Box F, [Armour] Faculty Womens Club, 19331936 (one folder); includes newsletter items and program schedules. 1999.04, Registrars cumulative statistics, 1926 - 1950. 1999.21, P. R. brochure Women at IIT, ca. 1981. Tech News, Oct. 17, 1933; article on founding of Armour Institute of Technology Faculty Womens Club (check Special Collections index for other articles). |
Iowa Women's Archives |
Organization Affiliation | University of Iowa |
Organization Address | Iowa Women's Archives Main Library |
Organization Phone | (319) 335-5068 |
Organization Fax | (319) 335-5900 |
Organization Mail ID | karen-mason@uiowa.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/iwa |
Person to be Contacted | Curator |
Materials Solicited | |
We collect personal papers of women who were born or educated in Iowa or lived there for part of their lives and records of Iowa women's organizations. Our goal is to document the broad spectrum of Iowa women. | |
Holdings | |
Over 750 collections of papers of Iowa women and their organizations. Total holdings measure approximately 1300 linear feet. Primarily 20th century, but a number of late 19th century collections and a few dating to Civil War era and earlier. Many political and women's movement collections; also papers of African-American women, rural women, and women involved in sports. We also hold a number of oral histories. Please see our website for more information on ourholdings. |
Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections, LSU Libraries Louisiana State University |
Organization Address | Hill Memorial Library |
Organization Phone | (225)578-6546 |
Organization Fax | (225)578-9425 |
Organization Mail ID | tzachar@lsu.edu |
Organization URL | www.lib.lsu.edu/special/ |
Person to be Contacted | Assistant Curator for Manuscripts |
Materials Solicited | |
LLMVC presently collects the history, literature, economy, politics, and culture of Louisiana, the lower Mississippi Valley region, and the South, with emphaiss on French and Spanish colonial periods; early English and ethnic settlements; war, partciularly the Civl War; antebellum and postbellum life and culture; transportation, agriculture; writers; families; pre-20th century women; 20th century regional political leaders and organizations slavery; African American life and culture; banking; lumber, sugar, cotton, moss, seafood, oil, fur, and other indigenous industries; and social, cultural, and educational organizations. LLMVC will also aggressively collect in certain areas of 20th-century history, including the papers of women, African Americans, and Louisiana's ethnic groups. | |
Holdings | |
An integrated research center dedicated to documenting and preserving the history and culture of Louisiana and the Lower Mississippi Valley region, the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections (LLMVC) include over 5000 manuscript collections and 10 million items. Recognized as one of the nation's premier repositories for materials relating to the antebellum plantation, Civil War, Reconstruction, and turn-of-the-century South, the LLMVC includes the papers of individuals and families, records of plantations, merchants, and financial institutions, and the records of political, social, labor, and professional organizations. The bulk of the collections relate specifically to the families and enterprises in the Lower Mississippi Valley, from Memphis to New orleans, and are especially strong in the Natchez (Miss.), St. Francisville (La.), and Baton Rouge (La.). Among these holdings are the papers of women, the records of women's organzizations, and family papers with significant portions of women's papers inthem, and other collections that document women's history in one way or another. These range in date from 1665 to the prsent. Researchers can study, among others, the letters and diaries of plantation mistresses and teachers, the writings and papers of such authors as Grace King, Leona Queyrouze, and Sidonie de la Houssaye, and the papers of African American women. In addition to women's organziations such as the Louisiana Federation of Business and ProfessionalWomen's Clubs, the records of professional groups that have historically been associated with women are also present, including the Louisiana State Nurses Association and the Louisiana Library Association. |
Margery Somers Foster Center |
Organization Affiliation | A Resource Center and Digital Archive on Women, Scholarship and Leadership |
Organization Address | Rutgers University Libraries Mabel Smith Douglass Library |
Organization Phone | (732) 932-9407, ext.26 |
Organization Fax | (732) 932-6777 |
Organization Mail ID | olin@rci.rutgers.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/lib/foster/foster.shtml |
Person to be Contacted | Dr. Ferris Olin |
Materials Solicited | |
The Margery Somers Foster Center solicits materials pertaining to women and women's organizations. Examples of some current collecting areas are women in and from New Jersey, and Contermporary Women Artists. Anyone interested in donating a collection is encouraged to contact the Head of the Margery Somers Foster Center. | |
Holdings | |
Please check our web site Projects/Links section. We collaborate with the Special Collections and University Archives Department of Rutgers University Libraries which also contains many collections pertaining to women's organizations and papers of women. |
Marquette University Libraries |
Organization Affiliation | Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (414) 288-7256 |
Organization Fax | (414) 288-6709 |
Organization Mail ID | Matt.Blessing@marquette.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.marquette.edu/library/collections/archi |
Person to be Contacted | Matt Blessing, Department Head/University Archivis |
Materials Solicited | |
Marquette solicits nationally records and personal papers documenting the involvement of Catholic organizations, movements, and individuals in promoting social action and social change in areas such as the following: interracial justice, fundamental economic reform, low-cost housing for the poor and homeless, fair employment, welfare rights, corporate respoonsibility, prison and penal system reform, women's rights, minority rights, gay and lesbian rights, agrarian reform, nuclear and conventional weapons disarmament, international peace, draft resistance, and support for conscientious objectors. | |
Holdings | |
The Department of Special Collections and University Archives holds notable collections, comprising over 100 cubic feet, that document the contributions of Catholic women in promoting basic human rights, interracial justice, women's rights, and world peace, and in responding to the immediate needs of the poor. These include the records of the Institute of Women Today (1974-), the National Coalition of American Nuns (1969-), and the Women's Ordination Conference (1975-), and the personal papers of Dorothy Day (1897-1980) and Sr. Margaret Ellen Traxler (1924-2002). (The Dorothy Day-Catholic Worker Collection also includes the papers of other women involved in the Worker movement, and records of CW communities that serve homeless and imprisoned women.) Also significant are the records of the Sister Formation Conference (1952-1976), in its inception a "grassroots" movement for the renewal of congregations of women religious that anticipated and fostered the reforms associated with Vatican II, and the National Sisters Vocation Conference (1967-1987), which promoted a "post-conciliar" conception of religious vocation. The SFC changed its name to the Religious Formation Conference in 1976, to reflect the addition of men formation personnel to its membership. Similarly, the NSVC merged with the National Religious Vocation Conference. Personal papers of Sr. Ritamary Bradley (1916-2000)and Sr. Annette Walters (1910-1978), early leaders of the Sister Formation movement, are included in the SFC/RFC Records. Substantial material pertaining to women's history is also included in other manuscript collections and the records of Marquette University. For an overview of these holdings, see http://www.marquette.edu/library/collections/archives/women.html. |
Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity, The |
Organization Affiliation | Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity, Inc. The First Church of Christ, Scientist |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (617) 450-7000 |
Organization Fax | (617) 450-7150 |
Organization Mail ID | pittsl@marybakereddylibrary.org |
Organization URL | http://www.marybakereddylibrary.org |
Person to be Contacted | Manager of the Archives |
Materials Solicited | |
Material by, of, or related to Mary Baker Eddy, the Baker family, the Morse family, early students of Mary Baker Eddy, the history of Christian Science, and American women in religious leadership. | |
Holdings | |
Mary Baker Eddy's (1821-1910) published (400 editions of her major work Science & Health with Key to Scriptures, 16+ other books/collections, and hundreds of articles) and unpublished writings (approx. 36,000 documents). Artifacts (more than 7,000), photographs (8,000 images), and other material relating to Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science. Collections are continually processed and added to the Library's collection. |
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site Archives |
Organization Affiliation | National Park Service |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (202) 673-2402 |
Organization Fax | (202) 673-2415 |
Organization Mail ID | carol_maryan-george@nps.gov |
Organization URL | www.nps.gov |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Materials pertaining to African-American women's history, with emphasis on the 20th century. On-site research by appointment. |
Holdings | |
Holdings of materials pertaining to African-American women's history, mainly of the 20th century. Includes organizational records of the National Council of Negro Women, 1935-1980; the National Association of Fashion and Accessory Designers, 1948-1981; and the National Committee on Household Employment, 1960s-1980. Collections of personal papers include the Dovey Johnson Roundtree papers, 1938-1977, concentrating on her career in the Black Women's Army Corps (1942-1948); the Mabel Keaton Staupers papers, 1943-1983; and the Jeanetta Welch Brown papers, 1946-1987. The archives holds over 3,000 photographs, microfilm collections, and a library. |
MCP Hahnemann University |
Organization Affiliation | The Legacy Center: Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (215) 991-8340 |
Organization Fax | (215) 843-0349 |
Organization Mail ID | jmurray@drexelmed.edu |
Organization URL | http://archives.drexelmed.edu/ |
Person to be Contacted | Joanne Murray |
Materials Solicited | |
Materials related to the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania and its successor institutions; medical women's organizations and hospitals; papers of women physicians from around the world. | |
Holdings | |
Records of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania and its successor institutions: Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, MCP Hahnemann University, and Drexel University College of Medicine, 1850-present. Records of women in medicine organizations, e.g. American Medical Women's Association (1915-1995), Medical Women's International Association, (1919-90), etc.; women's hospitals. Personal papers of women physicians, internationally. |
Medical Heritage Center, The |
Organization Affiliation | Prior Health Sciences Library The Ohio State University |
Organization Address | The Medical Heritage Center |
Organization Phone | (614) 292-9273 |
Organization Fax | (614) 292-9966 |
Organization Mail ID | medhist@osu.edu |
Organization URL | http://library.med.ohio-state.edu/heritage/ |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
The Medial Heritage Center promotes the rich health sciences history of Central Ohio by providing a repository for rare books, archives, and artifacts in order to foster a scholarly environment to advance the health communities understanding of its historical context. The center is interested in collecting the history of women who helped shape medical history in the Central Ohio area. | |
Holdings | |
Aprox. 25 linear feet of archival materials ranging from 1900-1990. The Medical Heritage Center's Friends of Nursing History organization has actively collected oral histories of nurses from various eras, as well as nursing artifacts, archival collections, and textiles ranging from the 1930s to the present. |
Montana Historical Society Archives |
Organization Affiliation | Montanna Historical Society Library/Archives Program Montanna Historical Soceity |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (406) 444-6779 |
Organization Fax | (406) 444-5297 |
Organization Mail ID | archives@state.mt.us |
Organization URL | http://www.his.state.mt.us/Default.asp |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
The Montana Historical Society Archives gathers the records of individual women and women's organizations from across the state, from the 1860s to present day. | |
Holdings | |
Areas of particular strength include 19th century women's clubs and organizations; overland journey diaries and reminiscences; homestead era (1880s, 1910-1920s) reminiscences and letters; 1930s Depression-Era reminiscences and letters; and oral history interviews with 20th century women in the military, educators, healthcare providers, political leadership, and community service. |
Museum of the Great Plains |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (508) 581-3460 |
Organization Fax | (580) 581-3458 |
Organization Mail ID | mgp@sirinet.net |
Organization URL | http://www.museumgreatplains.org |
Person to be Contacted | |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
American Assoc. of University Women, 1958-1960 Bixby, Helen, ( women's organizations)1913-1923 Blankenship, Mabel (military and personal records), 1916-1919 Chrisman, Mildred (entertainer), 1897-1971 Collins, Monta Rae (schoolteacher and principal), 1923-1961 Daughters of the American Revolution, 1913-1989 Doub, Margaret (Native American art), 1926-1997 Edwards, Mrs. J. Hale (General Federation of Women's clubs and Lawton Women's Forum), 1906-1965 Franklin, Fern (political supporter), 1917-1946 Genee, Edythe Hope (poet), 1920's-1950's Godlove (Women's clubs programs), N.D. Harris, Christine (Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of WWI),1958-1993 Helen Holliday Foundation, 1907-1966 Holliday, Helen (schoolteacher), 1877-1972 Laird, Mignon (entertainer), 1888-1982 Larenece, Irene (Civil Service), 1855-1992 Lawton Woman's Forum, 1958-1960 Ninth District of Okla. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1950-1962 Oral History Collection (transcripts), Recorded 1980-81 Stafford, Lily (schoolteacher), 1913-1970 United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1923-1978 Vestal, Ophelia (WPA field worker), 1937-1938 Warner, Martha (Schubert Music Club), 1907-1953 Wickham, Ola Forbes, 1880-1965 Wilson, Louisa, 1901-1961 Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1903 Women's Relief Corps, 1861-1931 |
National Air and Space Museum Archives |
Organization Affiliation | National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution |
Organization Address | MRC 322, PO Box 37012 Archives Division |
Organization Phone | (202) 633-2315 |
Organization Fax | (202) 786-2835 |
Organization Mail ID | nasmrefdesk@si.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/arch/ |
Person to be Contacted | Reference Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
The National Air and Space Museum Archives supports the mission of the National Air and Space Museum (NASM) by acquiring and preserving for public and cultural use documentary materials of air and space flight. These documentary materials include a wide range of visual and textual materials, many emphasizing the technical aspects of air and space craft and their propulsion systems. The archival collection contains approximately 10,000 cubic feet of material including an estimated twelve hundred collections, including collection on the following women involved in the fields of aviation and space exploration: Louise Thaden, Blanche Stuart Scott, Ruth Law, Matilde Moisant, Betty Skelton, Patty Wagstaff, Helen Richey, Amelia Earhart, Gladys Roy, and Hattie Myers Junkins. The NASM Archives also has a number of collections relating to women pilot organizations, such as the Ninety-Nines, Inc. and the Women Flyers of America (WFA) as well as a number of collections dealing with women pilots in the military, most notably ones related to the Women's Air Force Service Pilots (WASPs). | |
Holdings | |
The National Air and Space Museum (NASM) has a wealth of historical archival material on women in aviation, and is always striving to strengthen the collection by locating and preserving documents, photographs and films highlighting the achievements and experiences of women in the aviation and space fields. |
National Library of Medicine |
Organization Affiliation | Archives and Modern Manuscripts Program History of Medicine Division |
Organization Address | Bldg. 38/1E-21 |
Organization Phone | (301) 496-8953 |
Organization Fax | (301) 402-7034 |
Organization Mail ID | reesj@mail.nlm.nih.gov |
Organization URL | http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/ |
Person to be Contacted | Assoc. Curator, Modern Manuscripts |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
American college of Nurse-Midwives Records (1945-1994; 42.5 linear feet) Faye Abdellah Papers (1952-1989; 5.4 linear feet) Florence S. Mahoney papers (1935-1988; 4.4 linear feet) National League for Nursing Records (1894-1952; 6 MS boxes) Lois B. Murphy Papers (1934-1976; 10.4 linear feet) Society for Research in Child Development -- Frances K. Graham Presidential Papers (1963-0979; 1.25 linear ft.) Lois Meek and Herbert Rowell Stolz Papers (1917-1984; 6.7 linear feet) |
Nazarene Archives, The |
Organization Affiliation | Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center |
Organization Address | 17001 Prairie Star Parkway |
Organization Phone | (816) 333-7000 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | singersol@nazarene.org |
Organization URL | http://www.nazarene.org/organization/general-secretary/archives |
Person to be Contacted | Archives Manager |
Materials Solicited | |
All materials pertaining to the life and ministry of women in the Church of the Nazarene. Additional URL http://nazarene.org/files/docs/women_religion.pdf | |
Holdings | |
Mary Anderson Collection. Diaries: 1953-1983. Correspondence: 1936-1944. Missionary in India. Rev. Mary Lee Cagle Collection. 1890-1955. Sermon outlines and notes, photographs, correspondence. Pastor, sect founder, and revivalist. Dr. Mary Cooper Collection. Correspondence: 1930-1968. Medical missionary in Africa. Rev. Agnes White Diffee Collection. 1910-1955. Articles, clippings, photographs, recorded sermons. Long-time senior pastor of LIttle Rock First Church of the Nazarene. Rev. Santos Elizondo Collection. Correspondence: 1915-1941. Pastor in California, Texas, and Mexico. Orphanage founder in Juarez, Mexico. Rev. Susan Norris Fitkin Collection. 1915-1948. Writings, missionary society correspondence, photographs, biographical materials. Revivalist, mission society executive, philanthropist. New Testament Church of Christ/Holiness Church of Christ Collection. 1894-1908. Manuals, proceedings, and publications of two Southern holiness denominations that ordained women to the ministry. Rev. Lura Horton Ingler Collection. 1908-1940. Diaries, scrapbooks, photographs. Pastor in New England. Rev. Pearl Dixon Ingram Collection. Diaries: 1908, 1911-21, 1942, 1945, 1953-69. Missionary in Central America. International Wesleyan/Holiness Women Clergy Conference Archives. 1994-present. Photographs, publicity, program, conference materials, recorded sermons. Organization with a major conference every other year. Rev. Mary Latham Collection. 1910-1990. Photographs, writings, family correspondence, professional correspondence. Ordained minister, Nazarene headquarters executive, founder of denominational audio-visual department. 30 cubic feet. Eula Marvin Diaries. 1907-1908. On microfilm. Pastor's spouse in Kansas. Insight into parsonage life in the Midwest from a woman's perspective. Donie Adams Mitchum Collection. Diaries, 1894-1930. On microfilm (originals in private hands). Extensive set of personal journals of a Southern woman who, in mid-life, was for ten years a Nazarene lay preacher and revivalist before returning to a more conventional life. Rev. Elliot J. Sheeks Collection. 1894-1940. Manuscripts, photographs, college materials. Pastor, revivalist, social worker, and Religion Department college professor. Dr. Mary Tanner Collection. Correspondence: 1931-1943. British medical missionary in Swaziland. Dr. Mildred Bangs Wynkoop Collection. 1920-1995. Published and unpublished writings, correspondence, extensive photographs, recorded lectures, recorded sermons, syllabi, classroom materials, oral history. Noted Nazarene theologian and seminary president. |
Nevada Women's Archives |
Organization Affiliation | University of Nevada Las Vegas NWA/Special Collections Department |
Organization Address | Lied/Library 4505 Maryland Prkwy |
Organization Phone | (702) 895-2241 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | skchung@nevada.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.library.unlv.edu/women/index.html |
Person to be Contacted | Manuscripts Librarian, Special Collections |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
Newcomb Archives |
Organization Affiliation | Newcomb College Center for Research on Women Tulane University |
Organization Address | Caroline Richardson Hall Tulane University |
Organization Phone | (504) 865- 5762 |
Organization Fax | (504) 862-8948 |
Organization Mail ID | susannah@tulane.edu |
Organization URL | www.tulane.edu/~wc |
Person to be Contacted | Susan Tucker |
Materials Solicited | |
The personal papers of women of Louisiana, particularly those involved in social change in Louisiana, the culinary history of the region, and the history of women at Newcomb College; the records of women's organizations in Louisiana and the South | |
Holdings | |
Records, papers, albums, scrapbooks 1500 cubic feet The records of Newcomb College, records of women's organzations, and manuscript collections of Newcomb alumnae and Southern women (1840-present) |
North Carolina State Archives |
Organization Affiliation | North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Division of Archives and History |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (919) 733-3952 |
Organization Fax | (919) 733-1354 |
Organization Mail ID | barbara.cain@ncmail.net |
Organization URL | http://www.ah.dcr.state.nc.us/sections/archives/arch/default.htm |
Person to be Contacted | Private Manuscripts Archivist or Registrar |
Materials Solicited | |
Of particular interest are the papers of women whose public or private lives shed light on or have affected the public life of the state. Organization records collected are those of statewide membership or interest. Current efforts are underway to collect oral histories and papers of women and men in North Carolina who served during 20th-century wars, and papers of women and men who studied or taught at Black Mountain College. | |
Holdings | |
Total holdings: 36,000 cu. ft. of records and papers; 30,000 reels of microfilm. Inclusive dates: 1663- Description: In addition to the official records of the colony and state of North Carolina and its counties, dating from the 17th through the 20th centuries, there are private papers of approximately 2,000 North Carolina families or individuals, ranging in date from the 18th through the 20th centuries. Additionally, there are papers from more than 200 organizations dating from the late 19th through the 20th centuries. Records and papers created by women or relating to them will be found throughout state records, local records, private papers, and organization files. (The earliest will in the colony, dating from 1664, is that of a woman. Excluding the private family papers in which women naturally figure as wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, there are more than 100 collections of private papers of which women were sole or co-creators. These collections date primarily from the 19th and 20th centuries, and range in volume from a single item to 165 cu. ft. They are the papers of plantation mistresses, homemakers, home extension agents, schoolgirls, teachers, educators, American Red Cross workers, nurses, midwives, literary figures, newspaper women, political leaders, politicians, legislators, lobbyists, suffragists, federal and state government administrators, humanitarians, social leaders, and the occasional balloon aerialist/parachutist, woodworker and house designer, or espionage agent. Their papers include letters, diaries, reminiscences, travel accounts, account books, copybooks, scrapbooks, poems, plays, newspaper articles, news releases, nature writings, photographs, drawings, audio tapes, and video cassettes. Of the 200 organizations whose records are preserved by the North Carolina State Archives, 38 were organized exclusively by and for the women of the state. They are primarily 20th-century organizations and include social, literary, patriotic, professional, and activist groups. However, probably the majority of the organizations for which we have records, if not created exclusively by women for their own pursuits, have nonetheless been dominated by women in both membership and leadership. |
Northeastern University |
Organization Affiliation | University Archives and Special Collections Department University Libraries |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (617) 373.2351 |
Organization Fax | (617) 373.5409 |
Organization Mail ID | j.krizack@neu.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.neu.edu/archives |
Person to be Contacted | Joan D. Krizack |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
M3 Emma Jean Lang Avery, Papers, ca. 1916-1931 M6 Katherine G. Osborne, Papers, 1874-1942 M17 Muriel S. and Otto P. Snowden, Papers, 1911-1990 (bulk 1947-1985) M19 The Second Wave: A Magazine of the New Feminism, Records, 1971-1984 M21 Abortion Action Coalition, Records, 1970-1982 M23 Women's School, Records, 1971-1992 M25 Women Against Violence Against Women, Records, 1972-1985 M26 Somerville Women's Educational Center, Inc., Records, 1975-1983 M27 Coalition to Stop Institutional Violence, Records, 1972-1989 M22 Women's Music Collective, Records, 1975-1978 M37 Louise Hall Tharp, Papers, 1949-1953 M38 Elma Ina Lewis, Papers, 1917-98 M39 Sara R. Ehrmann, Papers, 1845-1993 M41 Boston-Bouve College, Records, 1924-98 M43 Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts, Records, 1954-92 M47 Women' s Educational Center, Records, 1971-1998 |
Northwestern Memorial Hospital Archives |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (312) 926-3090 |
Organization Fax | (312) 926-6957 |
Organization Mail ID | archives@nmh.org |
Organization URL | www.nmh.org |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Personal papers or organizational collections pertaining to healthcare in Chicago, including materials related to physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, hospital administrators, and community fund raising organizations and hospital support organizations. | |
Holdings | |
A variety of late 19th and 20th century holdings including biographical files of physicians, nurses, administrators, donors and supporters; defunct nursing schools collections; personal papers; organizational records of women's hospital auxiliary and support organizations; and organizational records of the Chicago Maternity Center. |
Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm Archives |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (248) 656-4663 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | rhmuseum@rochesterhills.org |
Organization URL | www.rochesterhills.org/museum.htm |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist/Interpretive Specialist |
Materials Solicited | |
Pertaining to prominent figures in the history of the Greater Rochester Area, including Rochester, Rochester Hills, or Avon Township. Including, but not limited to, the Taylor/Van Hoosen families. | |
Holdings | |
Sarah Van Hoosen Jones Collection, 1899-1973 Bertha Van Hoosen Collection, 188-1950 Alice D. Serrell Collection, 1885-1997, predominately 1940-1970s
Rutgers University |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections and University Archives University Libraries |
Organization Address | Alexander Library |
Organization Phone | (732) 932-7006 |
Organization Fax | (732) 932-7012 |
Organization Mail ID | hperrone@rci.rutgers.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rulib/spcol/spcol.htm |
Person to be Contacted | Ronald L. Becker |
Materials Solicited | |
We collect material documenting the above-mentioned areas. | |
Holdings | |
SC/UA holds over 200 collections documenting New Jersey women and women's organizations, national women's professional organizations, particularly pertaining to the arts and politics, and women at Rutgers. The Institute for Jazz Studies in Newark documents all aspects of jazz history and hold the papers of Mary Lou Williams. The Margery Somers Foster Center at the Mabel Smith Douglass Library serves as a leader in collection development and digital projects in women's studies. (See separate entry) For an overview to SC/UA's collections documenting women see http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rulib/spcol/women.htm. A detailed guide to our holdings will shortly be mounted on the web site. |
Saint Louis University |
Organization Affiliation | University Archives |
Organization Address | Pius XII Memorial Library Room 307 |
Organization Phone | (314) 977-3091 |
Organization Fax | (314) 977-3108 |
Organization Mail ID | waide@slu.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.slu.edu/libraries/pius/directory/archdept.html |
Person to be Contacted | John Waide, University Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Archives seeks papers of Saint Louis University faculty members and alumnae as well as women resident in St. Louis and Missouri. Records of area women's organizations are also welcome. | |
Holdings | |
Mullanphy-Clemens Family Manuscript Collection: 1767-1928, 7.1 linear feet. Includes papers of socialite Helen I. Clemens with material on her daily life at home and abroad, her business affairs, etc. during the middle to late nineteenth century. Drew Family Manuscript Collection: 1890-1996, 2.5 linear feet. Papers of American portrait artist Dorothy Hart Drew, her sister Lorna, a child piano prodigy, and their mother Anna Hart Drew. Frost Family Manuscript Collection: 1850-1993, 2.3 linear feet. Family papers kept by Harriet Frost Fordyce, who maintained a lengthy involvement with Saint Louis University as one of its major benefactors. Agnes M. Schumacher Manuscript Collection: 1927-1931, 2.1 linear feet. Material related to Schumacher's course of study in the School of Commerce and Finance. Louisa L. Jekel Manuscript Collection: 1939-1973, 1.6 linear feet. Papers of nurse with 70th General Hospital operating in North Africa and Italy during World War II. Shirley L. Seifert Manuscript Collection: 1963-1964, .4 linear feet. Draft and proofs of her book "The Key to St. Louis". |
Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture |
Organization Affiliation | Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library Duke University |
Organization Address | Perkins Library |
Organization Phone | (919) 660-5828 |
Organization Fax | (919) 660-5934 |
Organization Mail ID | cristina.favretto@duke.edu |
Organization URL | http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/women |
Person to be Contacted | Director |
Materials Solicited | |
We are actively collecting the papers of feminist activists; avant-garde female authors, girls' and women's self-publishing ('zines); etiquette and household management books; Southern women writers; artists' books by women; series fiction for girls and young women. | |
Holdings | |
Documentation by and about women represents a substantial proportion of the Duke's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library's 6,000 manuscript collections and over 200,000 printed volumes. The richness and variety of women's experience are reflected in the remarkable diversity of this documentation, which ranges from the diaries of plantation mistresses in the antebellum to the letters of enslaved women; from etiquette books spanning the 18th-21st centuries to the papers of cyberpunk novelist Kathy Acker, and from the documents of suffragettes to the manifestos of 1970s radical feminists, from lesbian pulp fiction to the correspondence of women missionaries throughout the world. |
Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
Organization Affiliation | Radcliffe Institute Harvard University |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (617) 495-8647 |
Organization Fax | (617) 496-8340 |
Organization Mail ID | richards@radcliffe.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.radcliffe.edu/schles/ |
Person to be Contacted | Deborah Kelley-Milbrun, Reference Librarian |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
The library holds letters and diaries, photographs, books and periodicals, ephemera, oral histories, and audiovisual materials that document the history of women, families, and organizations, primarily in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is also home to an extensive culinary collection. The manuscript holdings are particularly strong in the history of the 19th and 20th centuries, especially on the subjects of suffrage, feminism, and women's rights; social welfare and reform; women in medicine, politics, government, education, and the law; working women and labor organizing; women's organizations; women and religions; travel and leisure activities; the history of families; women's history and women's studies; reproductive rights and occupational health. There is significant documentation on women of color; lesbians; women scientists and artists; cookery and the domestic arts; women in business; and the participation of United States women in international women's organizations. |
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Archival Collection |
Organization Affiliation | Walter P. Reuther Library and Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs Wayne State University |
Organization Address | 5401 Cass Avenue |
Organization Phone | 313-577-4024 |
Organization Fax | 313-577-4300 |
Organization Mail ID | swearchives@wayne.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.reuther.wayne.edu/collections/sweguide. |
Person to be Contacted | SWE Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
The Reuther Library has a deposit agreement with the national Society of Women Engineers. | |
Holdings | |
The SWE Collection includes correspondence, minutes, reports, organizational publications, membership statistics, conference material, speeches, biographies, articles, historic clippings, photographs and other material documenting the history of SWE and women in engineering, 1950 to the present. Additional materials include the early correspondence and records of the short-lived American Society of Women Engineers and Architects (ASWEA) from 1919-1938. The SWE Collection also contains tapes and transcripts of "Profiles of SWE Pioneers," an on-going SWE Oral History Project. |
Sophia Smith Collection |
Organization Affiliation | Smith College |
Organization Address | Alumnae Gym |
Organization Phone | (413) 585-2970 |
Organization Fax | (413) 585-2886 |
Organization Mail ID | ssc-wmhist@smith.edu |
Organization URL | http://libraries.smith.edu/libs/ssc |
Person to be Contacted | Sherrill Redmon, Director |
Materials Solicited | |
Current collecting focuses on Second Wave feminists, birth control/family planning/reproductive health and rights pioneers, women in social and political reform movements, political radicals, journalists, lesbian women, working class women, and women of color. | |
Holdings | |
Over 500 women's history collections of personal papers and organization records occupying over 7,500 linear feet document women in the U.S. and abroad from the 17th century to the present. Strengths include birth control, social reform, women's rights movements, New England families, U.S. women working as missionaries abroad, and women in the professions, especially social work and journalism. |
Soroptimist Archives, The |
Organization Affiliation | Soroptimist International of the Americas |
Organization Address | 2 Penn Center Plaza |
Organization Phone | (215) 557-9300 |
Organization Fax | (215) 568-5200 |
Organization Mail ID | lisa@soroptimist.org |
Organization URL | http://www.soroptimist.org |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Early organizational documents, oral histories and manuscript collections from past organizational leaders, club histories documenting local clubs within the Soroptimist, organization administrative records. | |
Holdings | |
Organizational archives of Soroptimist International of the Americas, The Soroptimist Foundation, and Venture Clubs of the Americas; manuscript collections from organization leaders; above include paper, oral history, photographic, other audio-visual formats, and artifacts. Span Dates: 1921-present,Volume: 250+ linear feet (organization administrative materials accessioned on a yearly basis.) |
State Historical Society of Missouri |
Organization Affiliation | Western Historical Manuscript Collection University of Missouri -- St. Louis |
Organization Address | 222 Thomas Jefferson Library |
Organization Phone | (314) 561-5143 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | selli@umsl.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.umsl.edu/~whmc |
Person to be Contacted | Associate Director |
Materials Solicited | |
Papers and records of individuals and organizations relating to the history of the St. Louis area. | |
Holdings | |
sl 112 Abortion Rights Alliance; Records, 1973-1984(2 folders) sl 373 Adams, Beatrice; Papers, 1937-1975 (6 folders, 1 scapbook, 2 audio tapes. sl 359 Adult Abuse Remedies Act; Records, 1978-1982 (23 folders) sl 372 Advertising Women of St. Louis; Records, 1916-1967 (249 folders) *sl 425 Advertising Women of St. Louis; Scrapbooks, 1916-1976 (45 volumes) *sl 108 Alpha Kappa Alpha, Gamma Omega Chapter; Scrapbook, 1920-1980 sl 101 Alpha Kappa Alpha; Collection, 1975 (1 folder) sl 102 Association of Family Women; Newsletters, 1975-1979 (1 folder) sl 391 Auroran Club, Phyllis Wheatley Branch; Scrapbooks, 1958-1981 (4 volumes) sl 8 Bliss, Louis Marie; Papers, 1894-1971 (7 folders, 33 diaries) sl 354 Book Lovers Club; Program, 1978-1979 (1 folder) sl 231 Business and Professional Women; Records, 1935-1975 (26 folders, 5 scrapbooks) sl 12 Calloway, Deverne; Papers, 1956-1983 (80 folders, 2 audio tapes) *sl 419 Carlson, Avis Dungan; Daybooks, 1923-1943 (8 Volumes) sl 463 Carlson, Avis Dungan; Papers, 1940-1976(35 folders) sl 106 Coalition of Labor Union Women; Records, 1974-1983(25 folders) sl 107 Coalition of St. Louis Women; Records, 1973-1976(3 folders) *sl 230 College Club of St. Louis; Scrapbooks, 1916-1943(4 volumes) sl 147 Culture Club; Records, 1899-1979(14 folders) *sl 204 Daughters of the American Revolution; Records, 1895-1985(7 folders, 32 volumes) sl 142 Davis, Julia; Research Papers, 1919-1979(15 folders) sl 524 Dines, Mary Stakes; Diary, 1861-1867(2 folders) sl 241 Drey, Kay; Papers, 1965-1982(124 folders) sl 417 Ellis, Mary Margaret; Memoir of 1914-1930, 1980(96 pages) sl 114 Equal Employment Opportunity-Women Committee Report, 1972(55 pages) sl 225 Equal Rights Amendment; Papers, 1972-1984(14 folders) sl 104 Fern Leaf Study Club; History, 1976(1 page) sl 154 Frost, Anita; Papers, 1953-1984(1 folder) sl 105 Heroines of Jericho; History and Proceedings, 1903 sl 371 Hickey, Margaret; Addenda, 1922-1977(77 folders) sl 474 Hickey, Margaret; Addenda, 1943-1983(190 folders) sl 236 Hickey, Margaret; Papers, 1928-1977(258 folders) sl 564 Hickey, Margaret; Addenda, 1935-1990(272 folders) sl 125 Home of the Friendless; Annual Reports, 1931-1973(1 folder) sl 39 International Ladies Garment Workers; Collection, 1937-1950(5 folders) sl 228 International Women's Year; Collection, 1974-1979(93 folders) sl 84 Irwin, Virginia; Collection, 1934-1963(1000+ index cards) sl 216 Jordan, Mary Ranken; Collection, 1936-1980(1 folder) sl 229 Kenney, The Reverend Marguerite Shirley; Papers, 1965-1978(47 folders) sl 149 Keru, Lalla R.; Diary, 1904(1 volume) sl 128 Ladies Friday Musical Club of St. Louis; Yearbooks, 1927-1972(1 folder) sl 530 League of Women Voters; Addenda, 1916-1975(1,744 folders) *sl 232 League of Women Voters; Records, 1911-1976(451 folders) sl 234 League of Women Voters; Records, 1936-1975(210 folders) sl 233 League of Women Voters; Records, 1937-1968(53 folders) sl 129 Lesbian Alliance of St. Louis; Records, 1973-1980(4 folders) sl 131 Life and Equality; Collection, 1974-1979(1 folder) sl 130 The Life Seekers (1963-), Collection, 1973-1974(1 folder) sl 470 Lippert, Clarissa Start; Papers, 1939-1976(14 folders, 36 volumes) sl 188 Lippmann, Winifred; Papers, 1955-1984(4 folders) sl 18 MacNutt Agnes Cady; Scrapbook, 1913-1929(5 folders) sl 383 Malone, Ora Lee; Papers, 1972-1977(1 folder) sl 440 Matthews-Chambers; Papers, 1811-1974(33 folders) sl 348 Menger, Clara; Paper, 1930(29 pages) sl 248 Metropolitan Area League of Women Voters Collection, 1919-1987(1,021 folders) sl 111 Missouri Citizens for Life; Collection, 1973-1979(1 folder) sl 437 Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition; Records, 1973-1979(113 folders) sl 222 Missouri State Women's Political Caucus; Records, 1971-1980(3 folders) sl 412 Moss, Viola; Collection, 1961-1979(8 folders) sl 219 Mulligan, Mary; Diary, 1941-1946 s 443 National Council of Jewish Women; Records, 1895-1984(144 folders) sl 213 National Organization for Women; Records, 1970-1978(32 folders) sl 175 National Organization for Women; Records, 1971-1979(117 folders) sl 183 North St. Louis County NOW(8 folers) sl 519 Notable Women in St. Louis History; Slide Show(281 images) sl 198 Oberbeck, Rita; Papers, 1939-1979(26 folders) sl 215 Peoples, Maggie; Papers, 1963-1971(4 folders) sl 150 Pritchard, Gloria; Papers, 1910-1983(23 folders) sl 116 Real Women; Newsletters, 1971(3 issues) sl 449 Reproductive Health Services; Collection, 1971-1976(33 folders) *sl 197 Reproductive Health Services; Scrapbooks, 1969-1984(10 volumes) sl 180 Rexford, Mary Metcalfe; Typescript, 1943-1945(161 pages) sl 465 Roudebush, Dorothy C.; Papers, 1959-1982(39 folders) sl 156 Savin, Marcia; 'The Feast of Tsouris' Typescript, 1975(44 pages) sl 476 Sayad, Elizabeth Gentry; Papers, 1951-1981(29 folders) sl 224 Schlafly, Phyllis; Collection, 1972-1982(5 folders) *sl 54 Sell, Mary Anne; Diaries and Social Calendars, 1941-1944(5 volumes) sl 392 Slavin, Alberta; Papers, 1965-1978(227 folders) sl 220 Smith, Cora; Diaries, 1951-1960(2 volumes) sl 118 St. Louis Abused Women's Support; Collection, 1977-1981(1 folder) sl 113 St. Louis Area Women In Higher Education; Collection, 1973-1976(1 folder) sl 218 St. Louis Colored Women's Clubs; Collection, 1901-1980(8 folders) sl 155 St. Louis Housewives League; Scrapbook, 1973(1 folder) sl 209 St. Louis Joint Women's Auxiliaries; Scrapbook, 1926-1976(1 volume) sl 221 St. Louis Metro Women's Political Caucus; Records, 1971-1980(6 folders) sl 478 St. Louis Women Historians; Records, 1983-1988(57 folders) sl 110 St. Louis Women's Labor Conference; Collection, 1973(1 folder) sl 329 Statler, Frances Hurd, Papers, 1943-1988(1 folder) sl 314 Sullivan, Margaret L.; 'Out of the Ghetto, 1900-1930 Paper, 46 pages) sl 590 Taussig, Florence, Papers, 1891-1944(91 folders) sl 115 Tuesday Literary Club; Program, 1974-1975(44 pages) sl 489 UMSL Women's Studies Pubilcations; Collection, 1949-1988(240 folders) *sl 59 Usher, Florence Wyman Richardson; Scrapbooks, 1909-1913(3 volumes sl 214 WILPF; Records, 1962-1975(14 folders) sl 542 Wagaman, Lisa; Papers, 1974-1992(112 folders) sl 522 Wessel/Schaefer Family; Papers, 1907-1974(49 folders) sl 133 White, Pearl Schwartz; Papers, 1915-1980(6 folders) sl 178 Williams, Alice May; Diaries, 1863, 1867(2 volumes) *sl 177 Williams, Sarah Cornelia; Diaries, 1845(8 volumes) sl 208 Woman Gathering II; Collection, 1984(1 folder) sl 9 Women in Communications; Records, 1948-1979(66 folders) sl 254 Women of Achievement, Records, 1955-1996(71 folders) sl 109 Women's Hearings on the War in Vietnam; Collection, 1972-1973(109 folders) sl 226 Women's Physical Education Club; Records, 1931-1977(4 folders) sl 558 Women's Program Council, Records, 1973-1995(18 folders) sl 246 Women's Rights in Missouri, 1866-1875; Paper, 1987 sl 481 Woodall, Viola; Papers, 1942-1946(25 folders) sl 490 Woods, Harriett F.; Addenda, 1975-1983(68 folders) sl 51 Woods, Harriett F.; Papers, 1964-1980(199 folders) sl 345 YWCA Wheatley Branch; Paper, 1979(27 pages) sl 343 YWCA, Metropolitan St. Louis; Records, 1905-1972(1485 folders) |
State University of New York at Albany |
Organization Affiliation | Department of Special Collections and Archives University Libraries |
Organization Address | New Library Building Room 360 |
Organization Phone | 518-437-3935 |
Organization Fax | 518-437-3930 |
Organization Mail ID | bkeough@albany.edu |
Organization URL | http://library.albany.edu/speccoll/ |
Person to be Contacted | Curator of Manuscript Collections |
Materials Solicited | |
We are actively acquiring records of organizations and individuals working on public policy issues in New York State. | |
Holdings | |
The Archives of Public Affairs and Policy holds papers of individuals and records of political-interest groups and associations concerned with New York State public policy issues in the twentieth century and especially since 1950. Collecting areas include labor, politicians and political parties, African-American organizations, gay and lesbian rights, social action and community, public advocacy, criminal justice, and women's groups. Many of these collections, totaling over 200 cubic feet document public policy issues relating to women including: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN, ALBANY, N.Y. BRANCH Records, 1921Â92, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB OF NEW YORK STATE Records, 1934Â2000, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB OF NEW YORK STATE, ALBANY CHAPTER Records, 1934Â88 CRONE, MICHELLE, Gay and Lesbian Rights Activist Papers, 1977Â98 EMPIRE STATE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS Records, 1938Â91 FAMILY PLANNING ADVOCATES OF NEW YORK STATE Records, 1976Â90 LURIE, ANDREA Papers, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF RENSSELAER COUNTY, NY Records, 1914, 1925, 1939-2000 M. C. LAWTON CIVIC AND CULTURAL CLUB Records, 1921Â95 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN--NEW YORK STATE Records, 1966Â1988 PINE HILLS FORTNIGHTLY CLUB Records, ca. 1898Â1999 POST, LIBBY, political consultant Papers, 1982Â92 QUIRINI, HELEN, labor and community activist VERSATILE CLUB OF TROY, NY Records, 1936Â89 WOMEN'S PRESS CLUB OF NEW YORK STATE |
State University of New York at Buffalo |
Organization Affiliation | University Archives |
Organization Address | 420 Capen Hall |
Organization Phone | 617-645-2916 |
Organization Fax | |
Organization Mail ID | lib-archives@buffalo.edu |
Organization URL | http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/archives/ |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
To support the research mission of the State University of New York at Buffalo, the University Archives collects and preserves organizational records and private papers having significant historical or research value. Much of the material concerns the Buffalo region during the twentieth century. This local emphasis not only documents the area, but also records how crucial national and international issues were perceived and acted upon in a specific setting. Particular attention has been paid to the preservation of the records of women's organizations in the region. Among the records of women's organization are those of the Zonta Club of Buffalo records, 1920s-1990s; American Association of University Women, 1909-1980 (Buffalo Branch); the Camp Fire Girls of Buffalo and Erie County, 1913-1970; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1960-1973 (Buffalo Branch); and the Buffalo Women's Center, 1973-1978. The University Archives also actively collects the papers of individual University faculty members and other Western New York women. Personal collections have come from women in politics and government, educators, civic and community leaders, activists on behalf of women's rights and related issues, students, and homemakers. They document the suffrage movement in the early years of the twentieth century, the peace movement of the 1930s, and the growth of the modern women's movement in the 1960s and 1970s among other historically significant topics. |
Holdings | |
Please see http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/archives/collections/guides/women2.htm for a complete listing of collections. |
Swarthmore College Peace Collection |
Organization Affiliation | Swarthmore College |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (610) 690-5728 |
Organization Fax | (610) 690-5728 |
Organization Mail ID | wchmiel@swarthmore.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace |
Person to be Contacted | Curator |
Materials Solicited | |
Solicit any material on women and peace in all formats. | |
Holdings | |
Women and Peace (world wide) from 1800-present, major holdings on women's activity in many public arenas--politics, social reform in the 19th and 20th centuries. Major collections on women: Jane Addams Emily Greene Balch Belva Lockwood Anna Garlin Spencer Hannah J. Bailey Peace Pilgrim Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (US Section) Women Strike for Peace Another Mother for Peace Women's Peace Union Women's Peace Society |
Tobacco Control Archives |
Organization Affiliation | The Paul & Lydia Kalmanovitz Library and The Center for Knowledge Management University of California at San Francisco |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (415) 502-6162 |
Organization Fax | (415) 476-4653 |
Organization Mail ID | lucas@library.ucsf.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/ |
Person to be Contacted | Project Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Papers of Virginia Ernster, who participated in the Surgeon General's report on women and smoking. | |
Holdings | |
Dorothy P. Rice Papers 1974-1997 (bulk 1994-1997), MSS 98-03, approx. 1.85 linear feet. Dr. Rice, an expert in health statistics, specializes in cost of illness studies. She served as an expert witness in the class action suit against the major tobacco companies. Her studies were paramount in determining the dollar cost of tobacco abuse to society. Senator Diane E. Watson Papers, 1987-1996, MSS 98-02, approx. 2 linear feet. Senator Watson (California State Legislature) was chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and authored several anti-tobacco bills. |
University of Baltimore |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections Department |
Organization Address | Langsdale Library Room 408 |
Organization Phone | (410) 837-4268 |
Organization Fax | (410) 837-4330 |
Organization Mail ID | thollowak@ubmail.ubalt.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.ubalt.edu/archives/ |
Person to be Contacted | Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Holdings | |
Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project (BNHP) - 255 Boxes, dates (Inclusive):1977-1979 Bentley, Helen Delich (HDB) - 593 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive): 1945-1995 Church Women United of Greater Baltimore (CWU) -6 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive): 1926-1996 East Baltimore Oral History (EBOH)-13 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive): 1997-1998 League of Women Voters (LWV) - 79 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1922-1990 Maryland Committee for Children (MCH) - 23 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1958-1978 Maryland Conference of Social Welfare (MCSW) -48 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1929-1973 Miller, Mary Owings (MOM) - 15 Boxes, dates (Inclusive):1918-1972 National Association of Social Workers MD Chapter(NASW) - 60 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1927-1975 Planned Parenthood of Central Maryland (PP) - 79 Boxes, dates (Inclusive):1927-1966 Mary Risteau Collection (MR)- 1 Box, Dates (Inclusive):1920-1970 Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. (SSI) - 19 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1977-2000 Samuel Ready School (SRS) - 151 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1864-1977 Seidenberg, Roderic/Dwight, Mabel (RS) - 6 Boxes, Dates (Inclusive):1917-1974 |
University of California, Irvine |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections and Archives |
Organization Address | Main Library |
Organization Phone | (949) 824-7227 |
Organization Fax | (949) 824-2472 |
Organization Mail ID | spcoll@uci.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.uci.edu/libraries/collections/speci |
Person to be Contacted | Head of Special Collections and Archives |
Materials Solicited | |
We collect the papers of individual women and organizations involved in politics and the public sphere in Orange County, California. | |
Holdings | |
Vivian Hall papers, ca. 1943-2001. 8.5 linear feet Mitsuye Yamada papers, 1942-1998. 6.6 linear feet Helen Lotos files on Orange County women's organizations, 1968-1988 (bulk 1971-1984). 2.6 linear feet League of Women Voters of Orange County records, 1957-2001. 7.5 linear feet Women For: Orange County records, 1981-1988. 1.9 linear feet Claire Still Scrapbooks, 1933-1959. 18 linear feet Marion Bergeson papers, ca. 1965 - ca. 1995. 40 linear feet. Unprocessed. Judy Rosener papers, ca. 1970 - ca. 2000. 30 linear feet. Unprocessed. |
University of Chicago |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections Research Center University of Chicago Library |
Organization Address | 1100 E. 57th Street |
Organization Phone | (773) 702-8705 |
Organization Fax | (773) 702-3728 |
Organization Mail ID | specialcollections@lib.uchicag |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/spcl |
Person to be Contacted | Associate Director of Special Collections |
Materials Solicited | |
The Special Collections Research Center collects personal and professional papers of women associated with the University of Chicago and its affiliates and predecessors, including students, faculty, trustees, donors, and staff; papers of women involved in neighborhood and community affairs in Hyde Park-Kenwood and related areas of the south side of Chicago; records of organizations and associations at the University of Chicago and in Hyde Park-Kenwood led by women or concerned with issues related to women; and papers and records related to women that are pertinent to faculty research and teaching at the University of Chicago. | |
Holdings | |
Edith and Grace Abott. Papers Mary Aldis. Papers Archival Biographical Files Archival Photographic Files Archival Serials Mary Atkinson. Writing and Arithmetic Exercise Book. [Ms. 685] Celia and Delia Austrian. Papers Anna Belli. Il Paradiso Terrestre. [Ms. 1259] Marjorie Berger. Papers Walter and Carol Blair. Oral History Interview. Amy Bonner. Papers Blanche B. Boyer. Papers [Elizabeth Mann Borgese] World Movement for World Federal Government. Records Dorothy Bradbury. The Children's Advocate Mary Bowne Brainerd. Papers Sophonsiba Brechinridge. Papers Ramona Bressie. Papers Frieda S. Brown. Papers Rachel F. Brown. Notebooks Sarah Radcliffe Buckley. Commonplace Book. [Ms. 745] Ernest W. Burgess. Papers Demia Butler. Diary Butler-Gunsaulus Collection Gladys Campbell. Papers Beatrice Stella (Mrs. Patrick) Campbell. Letters Carmelite Sisters of Flanders. Relation de la suppression des Carmelites de Flandre. [Ms. 278] Carnegie Council on Children. Records Dorothy Crowder Chessman. Papers Elizabeth Stanhope, Countess Chesterfield. Letters to Martha, Lady Gifford. [Ms. 910] Chicago Committee of Fifteen. Crime in Chicago. Research Data [Ms. 1028] Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey. Records Chicago School of Civics and Philantrhopy. Records Elizabeth Church. Commonplace Book. [Ms. 757] Civic Disarmament Committee for Handgun Control. Records Cleaner Air Committee of Hyde Park-Kenwood. Records Margaret Cooper. Treatise on Religion...Written for Her Children. [Ms. 865] Helen I. Dennis. Papers Sophie Dixon. Peoms [Ms. 613] Zella Allen Dixson. Papers Charlotte E. Dodge. Commonplace Book [Ms. 744] Stephen A. Douglas. Papers Helen Drew. Papers Reuben T. Durrett Collection. Durrett Miscellaneous Manuscripts Dorothy Eggan. Papers English Actors and Actresses. Correspondence [Ms. 623] Lloyd A. Fallers. Papers Shirely Farr. Papers Laura Fermi. Papers General Archival Files Rachel Goetz. Papers Adelaide Eunice Goodrich. Papers Charlotte C. Gray. Papers Sarah Gregory. Commonplace Book [Ms. 523] Paolina Secco-Suardo, Countess Grismondi. Lettre d'illustri letterati [Ms. 456] Eleanor P. Hammond. Papers Gertrude Epstein Harris. Papers Sarah Harward. Commonplace Book [Ms. 548] Helen Heller. Family Papers Julius Hays Hess. Papers Annie McClure Hitchcock. Recollections of Lake and Cook Counties in 1837. [Ms. 1087] Mrs. Holms, Alabama. Diary [Ms. 1611] Frances Hooper. Papers Leila Houghteling. Cost of Living Schedules-Unskilled Laborers [Chicago]. [Ms. 1011] Maude Phelps Hutchins. Christmas Cards Ella May Jones. Papers [Ms. 1084] Lucile L. Keck. Papers Helen L. Koch. Papers Vida A. Latham. Papers Lady Leona Leslie. Correspondence Letters of a Father to His Daughter [Ms. 884] Alice Lloyd. Diary Adele Gleim Locke. Travel Journal [Ms. 1053] Hedwig L. Loeb. Papers Faye Millard MacFarland. Student Notes Marie Louise, Empress Consort of Napoleom I. Compte rendu pour l'annee 1812 [Ms. 307] Eleanor B. Martin. Papers Soia Mentschikoff. Papers Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection Modern Poetry Collection of Miscellaneous Manuscripts Harriet Monroe. Papers Harriet Brainard Moody. Papers Motion Picture Stills Collection Fanny Murdock. Correspondence Eleanor Castle Nef. Papers Ida E. S. Noyes. Papers Ida E. S. Noyes. Photograph Album Mary Pembroke. Commonplace Book [Ms. 525] Anna Gwin Pickens. Papers Besie Louise Pierce. Papers Playbills and Programs Collection Poetry Magazine. Papers. 1912-1936 Poetry Magazine. Papers 1936-1953 Poetry Magazine. Papers. 1954-1961 Ruth Vale Randall. Diary [Ms. 154] Margaret Park Redfield. Papers Margaret G. Reid. Papers Edith Rickert. Papers Martha Routh. Journal [Ms. 235] Julius Rosenwald. Papers Eva Watson Schutze. Photographs Martin Schutze. Papers EMil Schwarzhaupt Foundation. Records Maud Slye. Papers Maruine Smith. Papers Sophia Snow. Santa Claus [Ms. 644] Gitel P. Steed. Papers Marion Talbot. Papers University of Chicago. Beecher House. Records. Finding Aid University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Minutes University of Chicago. Chicago Alumnae Club. Records University of Chicago. Chicago Lying-In Hospital. Records Universit of Chicago. College of Education. Records University of Chicago. Department of Buildings and Grounds. Records University of Chicago. Faculty Wive's Dinner. Records. University of Chicago. Ida Noyes Hall. Guest Register University of Chicago. Laboratory Schools. Records University of Chicago. Laboratory Schools. Work Reports University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Records University of Chicago. Student Ephemera. Collection University of Chicago. President's Papers University of Chicago Press. Records University of Chicago Service League. Records Margit Varro. Papers Thorstein B. Veblen. Papers Ilza Veith. Papers Elizabeth Wallace. Papers Madeleine Wallin. Papers Nella Fermi Weiner. Papers Harriet Welling. Papers Ida B. Wells. Papers Anna Wheelwright. Commonplace Book [Ms. 526] Joshua Lacy Wilson. Papers Mary Bolton Wirth. Papers Edith Franklin Wyatt. Las Casa: Adventures in a New World
University of Maryland, College Park |
Organization Affiliation | Archives and Manuscripts Department |
Organization Address | Maryland Room Hornbake Library |
Organization Phone | 301-314-2712 |
Organization Fax | 301-314-2709 |
Organization Mail ID | Levjen@umd.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.lib.umd.edu/ARCV/ |
Person to be Contacted | Curator for Historical Manuscripts |
Materials Solicited | |
We will accept collections pertaining to women's organizations and individuals in the state of Maryland, as well as collections dealing with women in athletics, politics, and labor. We also collect papers of notable University of Maryland faculty. | |
Holdings | |
Table of Contents Historical Manuscripts Collections University Archival Record Groups Literary Manuscripts Maryland Manuscripts Photographs Memorabilia Historical Manuscripts Collections Archives of the American Association of University Women, College Park, Maryland Branch--20th century. The College Park, Maryland Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) was founded in 1929 by Adele H. Stamp, Dean of Women at the University of Maryland. Beyond working to support women college students, branch activities have included advocating jury service for women, working with county officials on such issues as the Equal Rights Amendment, and implementation of Title IX programs. The branch also recommends qualified women for appointment to local and state boards and commissions. The archives reflect activities and interests of the branch and its relationship with local and national AAUW branches. Branch documents include annual reports, bylaws, budgets, membership directories, minutes, and treasurers' reports. Branch, state, national, and international (International Federation of University Women) newsletters are also included as well as extensive documentation of Educational Foundation Program (EFP) fellowships and graduate prize awards. Archives of the American Association of University Women, Maryland Division--20th and 21st century. The Maryland Division of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) was organized in 1942 to unite the Baltimore City, College Park, Carroll County and Frederick County branches. Its current objectives are to assist in the formation of new branches in the state, to give and receive suggestions from other state branches, and to provide backing for programs of individual Maryland chapters. The Division is involved with community, educational, and cultural projects and is active in promoting international relations and legislative issues. The archives of the Maryland Division of the AAUW consist of correspondence, publications, reports, minutes, charters, bylaws, financial materials, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia. Also included are program and project files and records from a number of the Division's presidents. Subjects covered include division history and operation, legislative concerns, programs, projects, branch activities, and relationships with the Middle Atlantic Region and Educational Foundation of the AAUW. Archives of the Association for Childhood Education International --19th and 20th century. Originally established in 1892 as the International Kindergarten Union (IKU), the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) is the oldest professional association of its type in the United States. Primarily an organization of educators, the association's current goals include promoting the inherent rights, education, and well-being of all children in home, school, and community. The collection provides a continuous history of the organization, which evolved from the International Kindergarten Union, the National Council of Primary Education, and the Association for Childhood Education. Material in the collection includes correspondence; reports; bulletins; research for a book, Dauntless Women in Childhood Education 1856-1931; minutes; conference proceedings; legal documents; flyers; newsletters; bibliographies of children's reading and reference materials; a complete run of the journal Childhood Education 1924 to 1983; audio-visual materials; and memorabilia. Many important women educators were involved in the association, including Winifred Bain, Mary Leeper, and Agnes Snyder, and their work is well documented in the archives. A reading file of historical material (1890 to 1950), including 700 rare and semi-rare children's books and landmark works in childhood education, was also donated with the archives. Archives of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women--20th century. The Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women was established in 1971 to assure standards of excellence and educational soundness in women's intercollegiate athletics. The AIAW archives consist of championship files for sports sponsored by the AIAW, which have been fully processed, and unprocessed materials, for which a preliminary inventory is available. The unprocessed portion of the archives includes membership lists, eligibility records, procedures, manuals, proceedings, programs, publications, handbooks, and administrative records. Papers of Clara Barton--19th and 20th century. Clara Barton is best remembered as the "Angel of the Battlefield," because she provided nursing care and supplies to the wounded and dying on sixteen Civil War battlefields. Following the war, her efforts toward achieving American affiliation with the International Red Cross were realized when President Chester Arthur signed the Geneva Treaty on March 1, 1882. The papers of Clara Barton consist of correspondence by and about her. Additionally, Women's Relief Corps materials in the collection highlight their efforts to urge Congress to pass a bill granting pensions to women nurses of the Civil War. Papers of Georgia K. Benjamin--20th century. Georgia K. Benjamin, a Hyattsville, Maryland, resident, was associated with the League of Women Voters of Maryland and involved in a number of other local civic organizations. Her papers consist of speeches, pamphlets, and notes and address such issues as human rights, Planned Parenthood, and practical democracy for women. Papers of Bock Ark--20th century. A Chinese immigrant to the United States in 1911, Bock Ark settled in Baltimore where he became active in Chinese-American organizations. Bock's papers include documentation on his wife, Sue Bock, former president of the Chinese Women's Association of Baltimore and active member of other Chinese women's organizations. Subjects covered include the March 1910 Chinese revolution, Refugee Relief Act, war orphans, immigration law, communism, and the new life movement. Also included is some correspondence with Madame Chang Kai Shek. Papers of Mary Boergers--20th century. Mary Boergers was a delegate and senator to the Maryland General Assembly representing the 17th and 18th Districts of Montgomery County. During her legislative career, Mary Boergers focused on the issues of education, drugs and crime, environment, labor, and women's concerns. She was president of the Women Legislators of Maryland from 1990-1991. In 1994, Boergers ran for Governor of Maryland. The files consist of correspondence, agenda, newspaper clippings,press releases, and subject files. Papers of Mary Eliza Bradbury--19th century. Glimpses of everyday life in mid-19th century Maryland can be found in the correspondence of Mary Eliza Bradbury. Originally from Maine, Bradbury spent several years in Elkton in Cecil County, Maryland, where, in 1855, she established and taught at a school, and taught African-American children on Sundays. Friendship and courtship with Lewis H. Jackson of Wilmington, Delaware, whom she later married, is also revealed in her correspondence. Papers of the Brooke Family--18th, 19th, and 20th century. The Brookes, a prominent family of landowners, and their extended network of Farquhar, Hallowell, Thomas, Hopkins, and Snowden families were active in the Quaker community near Sandy Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland. The papers include diaries and day books across several generations of women in the Brooke family. The diaries and correspondence reflect local and plantation life during the years 1815 to 1954. Topics addressed include family ties, Quaker religion, courtship, marriage, housewife and mother roles, women's and girls' work on the farm, education, health concerns, local social gatherings, holidays, and travel. Papers of the Chapman Family--19th century. The personal records of a family of politicians and landowners in Charles County, Maryland. Contains a notebook belonging to Nannie Kent Chapman which contains her notes from Henderson College in Henderson, North Carolina, from 1892 - 1895, as well as a diary and personal account book. Marilyn Church Collection--20th century. Marilyn Church came to the University of Maryland in 1969 where she was an Assistant Associate Professor in the Head Start Regional Office, the Department of Early Childhood Elementary Education, and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She also served as director of the Center for Young Children. The Church collection consists in part of notebooks, scrapbooks, a photograph of a kindergarten class, and a toy which originally belonged to Esther G. Cristy, an early twentieth-century kindergarten teacher. Papers of the Claude-Gray-Hughes-Tuck-Whittington Family--18th, 19th, and 20th century. The Claudes, Grays, Hughes, Tucks, and Whittingtons, all Annapolis families, were related by marriage. Their papers date from 1793 to 1938 and represent a mixture of correspondence from family, friends and business associates; deeds; ledgers; literary writings; school notebooks; and receipts. Items relating to women's history can be found in the correspondence of the female members of the various families and provide insights into religion, family relationships, nineteenth-century medical practices, and attitudes towards blacks and slavery. Papers of Charles Wallace Collins--20th century. The papers of Collins's wife, Sue Spencer Collins, include correspondence, newspaper clippings, notes, and pamphlets generated or collected by Mrs. Collins. All deal with the social lives of elite women in Washington, D.C. during the mid-twentieth century. Topics covered include food, fashion, flower arrangement, a nd women's clubs such as the Colonial Dames and the Washington Club. Papers of Leon Washington Condol--19th and 20th century. The story of Leon Condol's great-grandmother, Mary Ann "Auntie" Cord--her life as a slave, her separation from her children, surprising reunion with her youngest son, and eventual employment with the Samuel Langhorn Clemens family--was captured by Clemens in his sketch, "A True Story. Related Word For Word As I Heard It." A rare copy of Sketches Old and New (1875), autographed by the author, in which Auntie Cord's story appears, was handed down through the Condol family and is included in this collection. Papers of Leonidas Dodson--19th century. Leonidas Dodson (1822-1889) was among the prominent citizens of Easton, Maryland, in the nineteenth century. As a young man he taught for several years in the Female Department of the primary school in St. Michael's before moving to Easton in 1854. Included in his journals are rolls for his school classes, and essays written by some of his students. Gahan Family Papers--20th century. Arthur B. (Burton) Gahan (1880-1960) received a master's degree from the Maryland Agricultural College in 1906, and remained in the Department of Entomology as Assistant Entomologist until 1913. He also coached the first basketball team at the Maryland Agricultural College. His daughter Winifred Gahan (1910-2002), was also a University of Maryland graduate and was active in local civic and church affairs, and was named "Prince Georgian of the Year" in 1993. Winifred E. Gahan (Arthur B. Gahan's sister) is represented in the collection by a commemorative book of letters assembled by her co-workers upon her retirement from the university in 1953, entitled "Our Miss Gahan." Papers of Esther P. Gelman--20th century. Esther P. Gelman served as a member of the Montgomery County Council, representing District 2 from 1974 to 1987. She was also the first female Council President, December 1983 to December 1984. Throughout her political career, Gelman advocated the rights of sexual assault and spousal abuse victims and helped improve human services to residents of Montgomery County. Her papers include correspondence, testimony, transcripts, resolutions, bills, and official reports. Papers of Reuben Gilder--19th century. The papers of Reuben Gilder consist of twenty-six letters written by Gilder to his former military comrade, Isaac Dutton Barnard, between 1815 and 1822. Subjects covered in the correspondence include: former military comrades, acquaintances, and experiences related to the War of 1812 in Canadian territory; military conflict with the Creek tribes of Native Americans; a variety of contemporaneous political matters and figures, including those in the local, national, and international arenas; and family, business, and health matters. Another, separate letter included in the papers was written by Reuben Gilder's wife, Eliza M. Gilder, in 1823. This letter is an urgent appeal to Isaac D. Barnard for his written recommendation for a military disability pension on behalf of her husband, Reuben Gilder. Court records show that Reuben Gilder and his wife were granted a divorce on February 12, 1836. Papers of the Hamilton Family--19th century. The papers pertain to family members as well as to other prominent nineteenth-century Charles County, Maryland, leaders. Covering the period 1803 to 1883, the collection consists primarily of correspondence and addresses such topics as tobacco, agriculture, family matters, slavery, Catholic schooling, the Civil War, and development of the West. Virginia Harrold Collection--19th and 20th century. The collection includes materials belonging to the Hamilton and Hendrix families of Baltimore, in particular, correspondence, dress ledgers, Confederate vouchers, religious verse, and calling cards. Papers of Celia M. Holland--19th and 20th century. Celia M. Holland (1911-1993), a Baltimore, Maryland, native, was a local history writer who became, through her research, the unofficial historian of Howard County, Maryland. Her most important work was the monograph entitled Old Homes and Families of Howard County, Maryland. She also produced numerous newspaper and magazine articles on Maryland history topics and conducted an extensive correspondence with many individuals sharing similar local history interests. Mrs. Holland's papers consist of correspondence and biographical information, writings and publicity, property documentation, county subject files, and research materials concerning historic personages and other historical topics. Papers of Marjorie S. Holt--20th century. Congresswoman Holt represented the Fourth District in Maryland from 1973 to 1987. She was noted for her leadership in writing national legislation for urban homesteading, in fighting to conserve the Chesapeake Bay, and in curtailing government expenditures. During her career in the House of Representatives, Mrs. Holt also played a nationally significant role in the Republican Party, serving as vice chair of the Platform Committee of the Republican National Conventions in 1976 and 1980. In addition, she served as chairwoman of the Reagan-Bush campaign in Maryland for the 1984 election. Mrs. Holt's papers include correspondence, speeches, legislation, reports, photographs, political cartoons, and one videotape. Subjects documented include the Chesapeake Bay, federal budget, and the Urban Homestead Program. Papers of Charles Bridgham Hosmer, Jr.--20th century. Charles Hosmer is widely regarded as the foremost historian of the historic preservation movement. Throughout his career, he interviewed many prominent individuals in the historic preservation field. This collection largely consists of tape recordings and transcripts of these interviews, including those with female preservationists such as St. Clair Wright and Helen Duprey Bullock. Papers of Ann R. Hull--20th century. Ann R. Hull, a Democrat, served as a state delegate from the Second District of Prince George's County in the Maryland General Assembly from 1966 to 1978 and as Speaker Pro Tem of the House of Delegates during the 1975-1976 session. She was also a member of the National Order of Women Legislators, League of Women Voters of Prince George's County, League of Women Voters of Maryland, and the University of Maryland's Board of Regents. Mrs. Hull's papers include reports, studies, minutes, and correspondence relating to her position as a state delegate. Important topics discussed include education, civil rights, mental health, public health facilities, and women's issues. Anne G. Ingram Collection--20th century. The collection consists of tapes and transcripts of oral history interviews with women employees of the University of Maryland's College Park campus. This collection is unprocessed. Papers of Cheryl C. Kagan--20th and 21st century. Cheryl Kagan was a delegate (Democrat) to the Maryland General Assembly representing the 17th District of Montgomery County. During her legislative career, Cheryl Kagan made women's rights, consumer protection, education and ethics some of her top priorities, and sponsored bills focusing on election law, emergency care for survivors of rape, health insurance for in-vitro fertilization, privacy, and condominiums. The files consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, and subject files. This collection is unprocessed. Helen Bradley Lang Collection--20th century. Helen Bradley Lang was an undergraduate at the University of Maryland during the early 1930s. Her collection, which is unprocessed, contains a trophy and scrapbooks documenting her college days. Papers of Isaiah S. and Martha Lang--19th and 20th century. The papers span the period 1858 to 1928 and consist of correspondence to Lang and his wife from various relatives, as well as a small number of business records. The Langs were a farming family first in New Hampshire and later in Minnesota. Their cousin David M. Sanborn of Baltimore was their primary correspondent; other correspondents included several women in the Lang and Sanborn families. The Lang papers provide insights into domestic and economic concerns of early settlers as well as social conditions in Baltimore during the Civil War. Archives of the League of Women Voters of Maryland--20th century. In 1921, the Women's Suffrage League of Maryland affiliated itself with the recently formed League of Women Voters of the United States. This non-partisan organization has, throughout its history, focused on a number of causes including social welfare, child welfare, women's rights, world peace, and education. Among the controversial areas in which the League has been active are child labor, collective bargaining, food and drug legislation, housing, the merit system in civil service, disarmament, civil rights, and the Equal Rights Amendment. The League's archives include correspondence, reports, minutes, newsletters, printed materials, and newspaper clippings and address such areas as elections and voting, legislation, state and local government, domestic and foreign policy, child welfare, and public welfare. Archives of the League of Women Voters of Prince George's County, Maryland--20th century. Founded in 1921, the League of Women Voters of Prince George's County was the first local league in the state. The League has supported establishment of juvenile correctional facilities, charter government, open occupancy, balanced local development, and improvement of health services. The archives include minutes, annual reports, correspondence, publications, and news clippings and address such subjects as busing, public health and safety, planning and zoning, voter services, and reapportionment. Papers of Catherine P. Mackin--20th century. Catherine Mackin's career as a pioneer woman journalist in television network broadcasting spanned two decades and included numerous distinctions, among them two Emmy awards. She was one of the few women to receive a Neiman Fellowship to Harvard University and was the first woman floor reporter at the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions. A tough-minded, tenacious interviewer, she traveled the country both as reporter and anchorwoman, covering politics and politicians. The papers of Catherine Mackin reflect her interests and responsibilities as a political correspondent and reporter. Along with correspondence, notes, appointment books, and general articles are articles on major political figures such as Richard M. Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson. The later material concerns the 1972 presidential race and Senator Edward M. Kennedy's 1980 presidential campaign. Audio cassettes of speeches and interviews, videotapes of her broadcasts, and photographs are also included. Archives of the Maryland Extension Homemakers Council--20th century. Formally organized in March 1938, the Maryland State Council of Homemakers changed its name in 1968 to the Maryland Extension Homemakers Council. The Council is particularly noted for its development and implementation of the Rural Women's Short Course by Venia Kellar in June 1923. The Short Course program brought women in rural areas to the University of Maryland for seminars and continuing education. The Council was also actively involved with such groups as the 4H Club, National Women's Civil Defense, and the National Home Demonstration Council and currently serves as an umbrella organization for more than twenty-four extension groups. The records of the Maryland Extension Homemakers Council consist of reports, programs, and courses offered by the Council, financial documents, slides, photographs, and clippings and cover the period 1924 to 1984. The MHEC archives are unprocessed. Archives of the Maryland Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.--20th century. The organization was founded in 1929 as part of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women, a nonpartisan, nondenominational, and nonsectarian organization for working women. The collection consists of committee and club files, charters, minutes, correspondence, convention records, scrapbooks, and memorabilia. The MFBPWC records are unprocessed, but a partial preliminary inventory is available. Archives of the Maryland Home Economics Association Collection--20th century. The association was founded in 1917 at Hood College and is now part of the National Future Homemakers of America. Its purpose is to enlighten the public on the value of home economics through formal education in secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The collection includes reports, correspondence, newsletters, manuals, clippings, radio scripts, and minutes. Subjects addressed include the home economics movement, Pure Food and Drug Act legislation, and the Mary Faulkner Scholarship, a scholarship established by the group for women with an interest in pursuing careers affiliated with home economics. Papers of Lucille Maurer--20th century. Lucille Maurer served in the Maryland House of Delegates from 1969 to 1987. In January 1987, she was elected as the first woman to serve as the Treasurer of Maryland, and she was reelected in 1991. Her papers include correspondence, clippings, minutes, publications, reports, speeches, and working papers. The major topics covered are bills introduced, campaigns, task forces, and committee work. The Maurer papers are unprocessed, but a partial preliminary inventory is available. Papers of Pauline H. Menes--20th century. Pauline H. Menes has represented the Twenty-First District of Prince George's County, Maryland, in the Maryland General Assembly since 1966. During her tenure in the legislature, she has focused on education, health care, the criminal justice system, juvenile justice, aging, the arts, and women's issues. Pauline Menes's papers include professional correspondence, agendas, minutes, newspaper clippings, studies, and reports and address such subjects as abortion, battered spouse and divorce legislation, rape, and the National Women's Conference. Papers of Constance (Connie) A. Morella--20th and 21st century. Congresswoman Constance (Connie) A. Morella (Republican) served eight terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the 8th District of Maryland (Montgomery County). During her legislative career, Congresswoman Morella focused her legislative efforts on such issues as scientific research and development, education, the federal workforce, equity for women, and the environment. The files consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, photographs, memorabilia, awards, and subject files. This collection is unprocessed. Archives of the National Extension Homemakers Council--20th century. The records of the National Extension Homemakers Council consist of audio tapes and oral history transcripts of interviews with homemakers conducted in preparation for the publication Voices of American Homemakers. These files are unprocessed. Archives of the National Organization for Women, Maryland Chapter--20th century. The National Organization of Women, Maryland Chapter, formed in the early 1970s as an organization devoted to action for women in areas such as equal rights and responsibilities in all aspects of citizenship, public service, employment, education, and family life, and it includes freedom from discrimination because of race, ethnic origin, age, marital status, sexual preference/orientation, or parenthood. The files consist of administrative and research files, correspondence, minutes, photographs, and press releases. This collection is unprocessed, but may be made available for research by appointment. Archives of the National Women's Studies Association--20th century. The records of the National Women's Studies Association consist of profiles of women's studies programs from colleges and universities across the United States. Individual profiles generally consist of brochures, syllabi, course descriptions, degree requirements, newsletters, and correspondence from program administrators to the National Women's Studies Association. The NWSA archives are unprocessed, but a partial preliminary inventory is available. Papers of Jo-Ann Orlinsky--20th century. Jo-Ann Orlinsky has been heavily involved in politics in the state of Maryland for many years. Among other positions, she served as Special Assistant to U. S. Senator Joseph D. Tydings and on the Mikulski Commission of the Democratic National Committee. Orlinsky has also volunteered her assistance to numerous local, state, and national women's and children's advocacy groups, political organizations, and Jewish charities and associations. The Orlinsky papers include correspondence, memoranda, schedules, speeches, press releases, and newspaper clippings. The files document her service as Joseph Tydings' administrative assistant and her involvement in his two campaigns for United States Senator. Archives of the Overseas Education Fund International--20th century. The Overseas Education Fund was established in 1947 by the League of Women Voters to help women organize themselves to solve their problems and overcome barriers to their full participation in the social, political, and economic lives of their societies. They have worked worldwide to empower women by promoting women's leadership abilities, enhancing their abilities to use or changes laws, developing their entrepreneurial skills, and strenthening organizations that work on women's issues. The archives consists of correspondence, reports, minutes, subject files, photographs, and memorabilia of the organization throughout its history. The collection is unprocessed, but a preliminary inventory is available. Papers of the Preston Family--18th, 19th, and 20th century. The Preston Family was an upper-middle-class Catholic family in Baltimore, Maryland. The papers, primarily correspondence, provide insights into Catholic and domestic life in Baltimore and discuss girls' boarding school, country life, social entertainments, fashions, indictment of the Sisters of Charity, bank theft, smallpox, dropsy, food, the Civil War, and spousal abuse. Diaries in the collection belonging to Madge and May Preston cover the 1860 to 1893 period. Papers of David and Elizabeth Scull--20th century. Mr. and Mrs. Scull were an influential and dynamic couple who served Montgomery County and the state of Maryland from the late 1950s to the early 1980s. Both served at different times on the Montgomery County Council. Mrs. Scull was vice president of the Montgomery County Council during the 1970s. A biography, correspondence, financial reports, speeches, and correspondence comprise her papers. Local and state politics, constituent services, housing, and capital improvements are among the subjects covered. Papers of Mary S. Shorb--20th century. Dr. Mary S. Shorb, former research professor at the University of Maryland (1949-1972) and professor emeritus (1972-1990), was known for her work in designing assays to allow for the commercial production of Vitamin B12. Dr. Shorb's papers consist of correspondence, grant reports, and applications documenting such subjects as B12; L. lactis; L. bifidus; Trichomonas; chickens; animal nutrition; and pernicious anemia. Papers of Jean Spencer--20th century. During the tenure of Spiro T. Agnew as governor of Maryland and vice president of the United States, Dr. Jean Spencer served on his staff. Her papers relate to these responsibilities and are comprised of correspondence, speeches, minutes, clippings, publications, press releases, photographs, and memorabilia. This collection is unprocessed, but a preliminary inventory has been prepared. Papers of Adele H. Stamp--20th century. Adele H. Stamp was the first dean of women at the University of Maryland, a position she held from 1922 to 1960. Miss Stamp participated in many groups beyond the university campus on the state and national levels, where she held numerous positions in such civic organizations as the State Association of Deans of Women, the League of Women Voters, and the Advisory Committee for the WACs during World War II. Miss Stamp's papers include correspondence, reports, organization constitutions, minutes, rules, and publications. Her papers also document posthumous honors she received and memorial fund activities to honor her. Papers of the Sterling Family--19th century. These letters, written during the Civil War between "Tillie" Sterling, her soldier-husband "Will" Sterling, her mother A. V. Farquhar ("Ma"), and Will's father, provide a glimpse into family life during the years 1862 to 1864 when the Sterlings resided in Annapolis, Maryland. The letters are mainly accounts of day-to-day events combined with expressions of affection. Topics include military affairs, travel and lodging, entertaining, slaves, slavery, disease, and vaccination. Papers of the Swann-Mason Family--18th, 19th, and 20th century. Thomas Swann (1806-1883) was governor of Maryland from 1866 to 1869. These are the papers of his son and include correspondence by the women in the family during the nineteenth century. Subjects addressed are Loudoun and Prince William County, Virginia, indentures; Thomas Swann; and the Thompson F. Mason and Clapham families. Archives of the United States Women's Lacrosse Association--20th century. The United States Women's Lacrosse Association (USWLA) was formed in the early part of the twentieth century to provide opportunities for girls and women to participate in the sport of lacrosse. The collection consists of awards, publications, correspondence, memoranda, constitutions, photographs, and memorabilia. The files document the operations of the USWLA, rules development, and camps, clinics, and tournaments run by the organization, among other topics. The USWLA archives are unprocessed, but a preliminary inventory is available. Papers of the Hubert Kelly Waldron Family--19th and 20th century. This family's papers provide insights into Irish social life and customs during the years 1815 to 1962 and address such subjects as the potato famine, the Fenian Uprising, Anglo-Irish relations, the murder of Hubert Kelly Waldron, and money for passage to America. The collection includes legal papers, letters, financial reports, poems, recipes, and funeral memoriams. Many correspondents are Waldron family women. Papers of the Weems-Reynolds Family--18th, 19th, and 20th century. The Weems Family, one of the oldest families in Maryland, traces its ancestry to the conflict between Malcolm and Macbeth for the crown of Scotland. The Weems family estate, "Marshes Seat," founded near Herring Creek in Anne Arundel County in the eighteenth century by a descendant of John Macduff, provided the backdrop against which successive generations of Weems and Reynolds played out their lives. The collection includes correspondence by several Victorian-era women, including Hattie Reynolds, an early environmentalist and the first woman game warden of Maryland. Papers of Carol Wharton--20th century. Carol Wharton was a staff correspondent for the Baltimore Evening Sun from 1942 to 1956, where she covered art and politics. Her papers consist of "stringbooks" containing her articles. Archives of the Woman's Suburban Democratic Club--20th and 21st century. The Woman's Suburban Democratic Club is a political organization for women in Montgomery County, Maryland. The archives document the group's fundraising, educational, organizing, social, and civic activities. Included are administrative records that record the club's efforts to assist Democratic candidates in winning elections, and to encourage Montgomery County voters to elect Democratic leaders at the local, state, and federal level. The meeting minutes in this collection cover such topics as the club's mission, educational programs, voter registration efforts, luncheon presentations featuring nationally prominent speakers, and campaign activities. Women in Development Collection--20th century. The collection, donated in 1990 by the Agency for International Development/ Women in Development (AID/WID), is designed to facilitate research on women and women's issues in Third World or developing countries. The collection consists of "working" or "occasional" papers sponsored by organizations in developed or developing countries, unpublished papers and speeches, journal offprints, bibliographies, brochures, monographs, annual reports, and newsletters. Among the topics addressed are agriculture, education, employment, project design and evaluation, water, health, and sanitation. The collection also includes extensive files arranged by countries or regions of the world and offers a historical view of the operations of an agency dedicated to international development. Women's Studies Pamphlet Collection--19th and 20th century. The Women's Studies Pamphlet Collection was established in the early 1970s by Susan Cardinale, Associate Librarian for Special Collections at the University of Maryland. The pamphlets provide perspectives on the women's movement, particularly during the 1970s, and cover such issues such as abortion, the Equal Rights Amendment, homeworkers, Maryland women, returning students, Title IX, and women around the world. Also included are "working" papers, reports, brochures, and newsletters documenting women's studies issues in the United States and abroad. Papers of Albert and Bertha Woods--19th and 20th century. Of interest to students of women's history in this collection are the manuscript notebooks of Bertha Woods, wife of Albert Woods, president of the University of Maryland from 1917 to 1926, which contain poems and children's stories written for Young Peoples's Weekly and The Girls Companion. Papers of John and Margaret Hood Zug--19th century. The collection consists of the couple's correspondence with each other and with various friends and family members during the period 1837 to 1851. Subjects addressed include religious beliefs, the temperance movement, family matters, children, health and medicine, education, and abolitionists. University Archival Record Groups Records of the Associated Women Students--20th century. This collection contains scrapbooks of publications, clippings, official group documents, and photographs documenting the activities of the Associated Women Students (AWS). The AWS, a governing organization for the university's female students, sponsored social events, coordinated relations with students at other colleges and universities, and served as a disciplinary body when the co-eds violated campus rules and regulations. Chancellor's Commission on Women's Affairs--20th century. The commission was established by University of Maryland Chancellor Charles E. Bishop on December 3, 1973 to address the needs and concerns of women on the University of Maryland campus. Among the commission's goals were to maintain systematic contact with organizations on campus concerned with women's affairs and to identify unique problems faced by women at the university, including safety, implementation of Title IX in women's athletics, and the needs of campus working women. The commission's records include correspondence, minutes, commission-sponsored publications, and newsletters. Records of the Committee on Undergraduate Women's Education--20th century. Chaired by Dr. Sandra Greer, the committee consisted of senior University of Maryland College Park administrators and faculty members charged with evaluating and implementing recommendations presented in "The Education of Women Students at UMCP: Issues and Opportunities." The records cover the period 1982 to 1989 and consist of documents generated in the course of the committee's work, in particular their final report, commonly known as the "Greer Report." Records of Extension Home Economics--20th century. Extension Home Economics, an arm of the Cooperative Extension Service, is responsible for teaching Maryland residents about safe food preparation, nutrition, and other home-related topics. Records generated by this unit consist of correspondence, publications, videotapes, reports, and photographs. Prominent subjects are 4-H and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. The files are unprocessed, but a partial preliminary inventory is available. Records of the President's Commission on Women's Issues--20th century. This campus-wide group is a successor to the Chancellor's Commission on Women's Affairs. The commission's records contain minutes, committee files, reports, publications, budgetary materials, photographs, and newspaper clippings. Issues addressed in the files include athletics, violence, minority relations, and the treatment of women faculty and undergraduates. The commission's records are unprocessed, but a preliminary inventory is available. Scrapbooks--20th century. This collection is composed of scrapbooks assembled by students, administrators, and campus groups at the University of Maryland, a number of which focus on women on campus. One scrapbook, compiled in 1970, documents the activities of Gamma Sigma Sigma, a service sorority. Another belonged to Minnie Hill, a student at the university during the early 1920s. A third is the personal scrapbook kept by Adele Stamp, the first Dean of Women, which includes her opinions on college women. Another scrapbook, dated 1938-1939, is composed entirely of newspaper clippings about women at the university; highlights of this grouping include articles about the campus's first co-ed chemical engineer, a beauty contest, women on the honor roll, and the faculty ban on women wearing shorts. Records of the Women's League--20th century. The Women's League, formerly the Women's Student Government Association, was formed in 1935 to promote leadership development and to encourage scholarship, self-reliance, and high standards of conduct among female students of the University of Maryland. Although mainly concerned with the formulation, administration, and interpretation of the rules of social conduct for women, the Women's League also played an active role in student government. The records of the Women's League consist of two minute books, dated 1934-1940 and 1940-1941, and printed rules from academic year 1940-1941. Literary Manuscripts Papers of Cyrilly Abels--20th century. Cyrilly Abels was the managing editor of Mademoiselle magazine from 1945 to 1960, where she published the work of Katherine Anne Porter and others. She became Porter's friend in the 1950s and her literary agent in 1962 after establishing her own agency. The collection consists of letters, postcards, and notes to and from Miss Porter concerning publishing efforts, travel, gardening, fashion, and politics. Papers of Djuna Barnes--19th and 20th century. Djuna Barnes was an avant-garde American writer and artist. She began her career as a freelance journalist and illustrator, then turned to poetry, plays, short stories, and novels. Her full length works include The Book of Repulsive Women, Ladies Almanack, Ryder, Nightwood, and The Antiphon. Her papers consist of family and personal materials, correspondence, publications, manuscript drafts, newspaper clippings, serials, photographs, and original art work. Papers of Saxon Barnes--19th and 20th century. Saxon Barnes was the brother of Djuna Barnes and a successful banker. The collection includes photographs, correspondence, clippings, and printed matter. Most of the correspondence relates to the estate or literary works of Djuna Barnes. Papers of the Barnes Family--19th and 20th century. The Barnes family collection consists of the papers of Djuna Barnes's grandmother, Zadel Barnes Gustafson; her father, Brian Barnes; her half-sister, Muriel; and her half-brother, Duane. Zadel Barnes was a journalist, poet, and women's rights activist, and her papers consist of poems, a short story, two scrapbooks, correspondence, and legal documents. The family papers also contain ninety-one photographs, spanning four generations of the family. Papers of Isabel Bayley--19th and 20th century. Katherine Anne Porter named Isabel Bayley as the literary trustee of her estate in 1974, after they had been friends for over thirty years. Bayley, herself a writer, edited and published Letters of Katherine Anne Porter in 1990. Bayley's papers include correspondence, legal documents, memorabilia, photographic materials, publications, audio tapes, and working notes. The papers are unprocessed. Papers of Marion Buchman--20th century. Marion Buchman is a poet from Baltimore, Maryland. She has contributed widely to poetry magazines and anthologies. Named "Poet of the Year" by the Maryland Poetry Society in 1965 and "Poet of the Month" by the New York Poetry Forum, she has also received several other awards. Her papers consist of poems, awards, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and manuscripts documenting Buchman's literary career. Papers of Mary Louis Doherty--20th century. Mary Louis Doherty was an expatriate American journalist who lived most of her life in Mexico, working for Mexican government officials as well as private institutions and individuals. She corresponded with Katherine Anne Porter after they met in Mexico City in 1921. Doherty served as one of the models for the character "Laura" in Porter's short story "Flowering Judas." The collection consists of correspondence, biographical materials, publications, legal documents, and photographs. Papers of Donald Elder--20th century. Donald Elder was an editor with Doubleday, Doran and Co., which published the English translation of José Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi's The Itching Parrot in Katherine Anne Porter's name. The collection consists of correspondence between Elder and Porter. Important subjects include writers and writing and Porter's personal interests and opinions. Papers of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven--20th century. Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven was an avant-garde artist and poet associated with Djuna Barnes and the Dada movement. Her papers consist of correspondence, poetry, and biographical and autobiographical notes and manuscripts documenting her life and literary career. Among the significant correspondents are Djuna Barnes, Peggy Guggenheim, and Berenice Abbott. Papers of Susan Emolyn Harman--20th century. Susan Emolyn Harman was an author and professor of English at the University of Maryland from 1920 to 1961. At the university, Harman founded Alpha Lambda Delta, an honorary society; was a charter member of the Maryland chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a teacher's honorary society; and was adviser to a social sorority, Kappa Delta. She was also co-founder of the English Club of Prince George's and Montgomery counties. As president of the University of Maryland chapter of the American Association of University Professors, she worked to restore Social Security benefits for all university faculty. Her papers include correspondence, biographical materials, manuscripts, and memorabilia documenting her career as an author and educator. Papers of Ann Heintze--20th century. Ann Heintze was a professional dancer and ballet instructor and a niece of Katherine Anne Porter. She danced with the San Carlo Opera Ballet, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, and at Radio City Music Hall before her marriage to Walter Heintze in 1950. She maintained a close relationship with Miss Porter and traveled with her to Europe and Mexico in the 1960s. The collection consists of letters and postcards to Mrs. Heintze and her family from Porter. Papers of Laura Riding Jackson--20th century. Laura Riding Jackson was an American poet, critic, and editor. She was closely associated with the Fugitive group, a cluster of American Southern writers centered at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, which included John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, and Robert Penn Warren. Jackson is generally acknowledged to have influenced the work of Robert Graves, the New Zealand filmmaker Len Lye, and the writers James Reeves, Norman Cameron, T. S. Matthews, Jacob Bronowski, and W. H. Auden. The collection consists of correspondence between Jackson and Robert Nye, a British author, editor, and playwright, as well as manuscripts, newspaper and magazine clippings, and photographs. Papers of Seymour Lawrence--20th century. Seymour Lawrence was Katherine Anne Porter's publisher, first at Atlantic Monthly Press and later with Seymour Lawrence, Inc., his independent imprint. As editor-in-chief at Atlantic Monthly Press, Lawrence oversaw the publication of Porter's novel Ship of Fools. The collection consists of correspondence, galley proofs, editing notes, and clippings documenting Lawrence's editorial projects and interactions with various authors. Papers of Lewis A. Lawson--20th century. Lewis A. Lawson, a literary critic and editor, taught English at the University of Maryland from 1963 to 1997. His particular scholarly interest is Southern American fiction, especially Walker Percy and Flannery O'Connor. He edited The Added Dimension: The Art and Mind of Flannery O'Connor with Melvin J. Friedman. His papers consist of correspondence, interviews, and the manuscript of his Greek translation of O'Connor's The Violent Bear It Away. Papers of Louise Malloy--19th and 20th century. Hired as the first woman news-writer for the Baltimore American, Louise Malloy specialized in women's interest stories but also contributed editorial, dramatic, humor, and feature articles. Her papers consist of manuscripts of plays, poems, short stories, articles, and miscellaneous personal records documenting her life and literary career. Papers of Hope Mirrlees--20th century. Hope Mirrlees was an author of novels, poems, and translations. However, she is best remembered for her circle of literary friends, which included T. S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, and Lady Ottoline Morrell. She published two novels, Lud-in-the-Mist and Counterplot, and a book of poetry, Moods and Tensions: Poems. Her papers consist solely of correspondence; significant correspondents include Eliot, Woolf, and Morrell. Papers of Ottoline Violet Anne Cavendish-Bentinck Morrell--20th century. Lady Ottoline Morrell was a British-born literary hostess of the World War I era. Her group of friends was known as the Bloomsbury Group and included D. H. Lawrence, T. S. Eliot, Bertrand Russell, Siegfried Sassoon, and Virginia Woolf. The collection includes correspondence and publications documenting Lady Morrell's literary interests. Papers of Harry C. Perry--20th century. Harry C. Perry was Katherine Anne Porter's tax accountant for approximately five years in the early 1960s. His papers consist of correspondence, financial records, and newspaper clippings related to Porter. Papers of Katherine Anne Porter--19th and 20th century. Katherine Anne Porter is known mostly for her short stories and novel, Ship of Fools, but also published nonfiction. She was awarded a Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in 1966 for The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter. Her personal papers reflect her interests in writing, travel, politics, and current events and also document her private life. The collection consists of correspondence, notes and drafts for her works, publications, legal documents, and financial records. It also includes photographs, memorabilia, and her personal library. Many of the memorabilia objects and a portion of her library are housed in the Katherine Anne Porter Room in McKeldin Library. Papers of Paul Porter--19th and 20th century. Harrison Paul Porter is a nephew of Katherine Anne Porter and was her legal guardian from 1977 to 1980. His papers contain correspondence, guardianship records, published materials and notes, audio tapes, and photographs documenting the literary career of Miss Porter and their relationship. Papers of E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr.--20th century. E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr., was Katherine Anne Porter's lawyer and close friend from the mid-1960s until her death in 1980. His papers include personal letters and business correspondence relating to Porter. Papers of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Prince--20th century. John Prince developed friendships with several artists and writers during and after World War II. He met Katherine Anne Porter in the 1950s through his association with Marcella Comés Winslow, a Washington artist. He was Porter's friend and neighbor in Georgetown from 1959 to 1962, and he and his wife corresponded regularly with Porter for several years after that. The collection contains correspondence, financial and legal documents, photographs, and published copies of Porter's books. Papers of Mary Carter Roberts--20th century. Mary Carter Roberts was a journalist and novelist. She was a book review editor for the Washington Star, a travel writer in the Maryland Department of Economic Development, and a member of the Maryland Department of Information and the St. Mary's City Commission. Her papers consist of correspondence; drafts of novels, stories, and articles; book and theatrical reviews; reports; clippings; diaries; photographs; and memorabilia documenting her life and career. Papers of Naomi Duff Smith--20th century. Naomi Duff Smith was a poet, author of short stories and radio scripts, and owner of a Baltimore, Maryland, public relations firm. Her collection consists of poems, short stories, correspondence, and awards documenting her literary output and business and civic achievements. Papers of Grace Delafield Day Spier--20th century. Grace Delafield Day Spier was a social activist, a friend of Katherine Anne Porter, and the sister of Dorothy Day, editor of the Catholic Worker. She became active in the literary and intellectual circles of Greenwich Village in the second decade of the twentieth century. The collection consists of correspondence from Katherine Anne Porter about mutual acquaintances and personal matters. Papers of Gertrude Stein and Her Circle--20th century. Gertrude Stein was an American-born poet, novelist, and playwright who lived for a time in Baltimore, Maryland, but spent most of her life in France and England. This collection consists of correspondence, biographical materials, work papers, and photographs and is mostly in French. Papers of James Stern--20th century. James Stern was an Irish- born author of more than fifty short stories, nonfiction, and translations. His papers consist primarily of correspondence he received relating to Djuna Barnes, both from her and from others. The papers also include newspaper and magazine articles about Miss Barnes. Papers of Thomas F. Walsh--20th century. Thomas F. Walsh was an American literature professor at Georgetown University beginning in 1956. He met Katherine Anne Porter in 1960 and subsequently published several scholarly works on her writing. Walsh also became acquainted with Porter's friend Mary Louis Doherty during his frequent visits to Mexico, where Porter had lived sporadically between 1920 and 1931. The Walsh papers include biographical materials, correspondence, publications, work papers, legal documents, audio tapes, and photographs. Papers of Glenway Wescott--20th century. Glenway Wescott was the author of novels, poetry, short stories, and essays. He met Katherine Anne Porter in Paris in the 1930s, and they remained friends for many years. Wescott's papers include several versions of the manuscript for a never-completed edition of some of Porter's letters. Originals of some of the letters are included in the manuscript collection, along with notes and miscellaneous published materials by and about Porter. The collection is unprocessed. Maryland Manuscripts The Maryland Manuscripts grouping consists of a diverse array of materials such as letters, diaries, printed ephemera, and legal records, many of which relate to women's social, political and historical development during the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. These documents include family letters, lecture notes on women's topics, records of religious groups, slave manumissions, military bounties, court proceedings, oral history transcripts, and widows' pension records. There are also items of special interest: MDMS 5411--Diary kept by Susan Howell, a teenage girl in Baltimore, from January 1-July 31, 1853. This diary contains entries that document in great detail the everyday activities of an average middle-class young woman of the era. Walks, school, and music and dancing lessons are frequently noted by Miss Howell. Also mentioned are the death of a sister and the wedding of a friend. MDMS 5440--Diary kept by Susan Mathiot Gale, a young widow and mother in Anne Arundel County, spanning 1859, with a special addendum in 1868. Mrs. Gale discussed her day-to-day activities, attendance at social functions, and her many suitors. She talks frankly on the topics of men, marriage, and slavery. Photographs Among the departmental holdings are scenes and individual portraits of women from the early part of the 20th century onward. The photographs illustrate women's activities and development in the domestic, social, cultural, industrial, and educational spheres. Depicted are advertisements in which women appear; clubs, churches, hospitals, schools, and orphanages which they founded, administered, and supported; homesteads they helped build; Works Projects Association projects and labor unions in which they participated; social affairs they organized; and artistic interests they pursued. Photographs of women students, faculty, and administrators of the University of Maryland also figure prominently in the collection. Memorabilia The memorabilia collection consists of more than 900 individually described pieces of realia. Among the items relating to women are embroidery; commemorative plaques, trophies, pennants and awards; posters; theatrical programs; dance cards; needle-point pins; and a 1920s style gymsuit used at the University of Maryland.
University of Pennsylvania Archives and Records Center |
Organization Affiliation | |
Organization Address | University of Pennsylvania North Arcade Franklin Field |
Organization Phone | (215) 898-7025 |
Organization Fax | (215) 573-2036 |
Organization Mail ID | uarc@pobox.upenn.edu |
Organization URL | http://www.archives.upenn.edu |
Person to be Contacted | Public Services Archivist |
Materials Solicited | |
Personal papers of administration, faculty, staff, or alumni relating to the history of the University of the activities and achievements of members of the University community. | |
Holdings | |
Records of the College of Liberal Arts for Women, e.g. Faculty Minutes, 1933-1974, 1 linear foot. Records from the offices of women administrators, e.g. Executive Vice President Records (Helen B. O'Bannon, 1983-1988), 13.5 cu. ft. [closed for 25 years from date of creation.] Personal papers of women faculty members, e.g. Rosemary A. W. Stevens, Chair, Dept. of History and Sociologe, and first woman dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Papers, 1949-1991, 4 cu. ft; Helen O. Dickens, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and dean of minority admissions, Papers, 1934-1994, 19 cu. ft. Personal papers of alumnae, e.g. Sadie T.M. Alexander, first African-American woman to earn a Ph.D and to graduate from the Law School and civic leader in Philadelphia and the U.S., Papers, 1858-1985, 81 cu. ft. Publications documenting campus life for women students, e.g. Bennett News, 1924-1947; Pennsylvania News, 1947-1964; undergraduate women's yearbooks, 1916-1952. |
University of Texas at Arlington |
Organization Affiliation | Special Collections University Libraries |
Organization Address | |
Organization Phone | (817) 272-3393 |
Organization Fax | (817) 272-3360 |
Organization Mail ID | rodnitzky@library.uta.edu |
Organization URL | http://libraries.uta.edu/SpecColl/ |
Person to be Contacted | Sally Gross |
Materials Solicited | |
We solicit materials pertaining to women in the North Texas area, particularly Tarrant County and Arlington, Texas. Our papers, however, contain materials of women active in politics, labor unions, and other professions across the state and include family papers where women are strongly represented. | |
Holdings | |
Approx. 115 collections, ca. 1835-1994, roughly 450 linear ft. Collections range from 1 item to 75 boxes of material and include women writers, politicians, journalists, teachers, labor activists, nurses, senior citizens, and family papers where women are equally represented. Most of the women's organizations are social groups in Arlington or at the university or support groups for labor unions. The collections are described in our Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections which can be accessed at http://libraries.uta.edu/SpecColl/findaids/guideIntr.htm They are not segregated as a women's archives, but are integrated into the major subject divisions in Special Collections: Historical Manuscripts Collection, Texas Labor Archives, Texas Political History Collection, Historical Photographs Collection, and University Archives. Not having a separated women's archives subject division made it difficult to measure the extent of the collection, which should be considered an approximate figure. |
Vassar College |
Organization Affiliation | Archives and Special Collections Vassar College Libraries |
Organization Address | Box 20 |
Organization Phone | (845) 437-5798 |
Organization Fax | (847) 437-5797 |
Organization Mail ID | patkus@vassar.edu |
Organization URL | http://iberia.vassar.edu/vcl/information/special-collections/special |
Person to be Contacted | Head, Archives and Special Collections |
Materials Solicited | |
Materials relating to the above holdings, or Vassar graduates. | |
Holdings | |
Women's Papers and Other Collections of Value to Women's Studies Women's Papers: American Red Cross, Training Camp for Nurses. Records, 1917-28 (bulk): .4 cu. ft. Correspondence, speeches and presentations, applications and other records, and photographs of the camp held at Vassar during the summer of 1918, offering college graduates intensive pre-hospital nursing instruction. American Red Cross, Vassar Unit.Records, 1914-20: ca. 6 cu. ft. Correspondence, photographs, reports, financial documents, clippings, and newsletters of the unit funded by Vassar students, alumnae, faculty, and friends; staffed by Vassar alumnae, and located in France during and after WWI. Correspondence is mainly of Margaret Lambie (VC 1907) and Elsa Butler Grove (VC 1905). Anthony, Susan Brownell, 1820-1906.Papers, 1854-1905: ca. 100 items. Woman suffrage leader, abolitionist. Letters and statements regarding suffrage and equal rights for women and the anti-slavery movement. Atkinson, Ruth Lamb, 1896-1978.Papers, 1928-70 (bulk): ca. 12 cu. Ft. Chief education officer for the FDA (1933-42), consumer protectionist, and author. Author of American Chamber of Horrors (VC 1918). Correspondence, clippings, reports, speeches, manuscript drafts. Bechtel, Louise Seaman, 1894-1985.Papers, 1913-80 (bulk): ca. 21 cu. ft. First woman to head a children's department in a major U. S. publishing house; a director of The Horn Book Magazine; author, reviewer, and lecturer of children's literature (VC 1915). Correspondence, manuscripts, illustrations, biographical information, and published articles and reviews pertaining to children's authors and illustrators. Extensive correspondence from Elizabeth Coatsworth, Bechtel's classmate and close friend. Benedict, Ruth Fulton, 1887-1948.Papers, 1905-48: ca. 24 cu. ft. Anthropologist, author of The Chrysanthemum and the Sword (VC 1909). Personal and professional papers consisting of correspondence, diaries, manuscripts and typescripts, speeches, teaching materials, photographs. Correspondents include Franz Boaz, with whom she studied and worked. Bergeret, Ida Treat, 1889-1978.Papers, 1928-74: 5 cu. ft. Journalist, writer, and teacher. Papers of her personal and professional life include her travel diaries and notes, manuscripts, and published versions of her articles and stories on China, Russia, Tahiti, Abyssinia, Djibouti, and the Red Sea slave trade; correspondence with her husbands, Paul Vaillant-Couturie and Andre Bergeret, and her friend, Pierre Teihard du Chardin. Bird, Caroline, 1915-. Papers, ca. 1966-79: ca. 16 cu. ft. Journalist, equal-rights activist, author of Second Careers: New Ways to Work after 50. Papers include manuscripts, correspondence, and subject files relating to her many publications, including Born Female and The Two-Paycheck Marriage. Bishop, Elizabeth, 1911-79.Papers, 1925-79: 19 cu. ft. Pulitzer-prize winning poet (VC 1934). Correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, photographs, publications, and memorabilia documenting her personal and professional life. Major correspondents include Robert Lowell, Marianne Moore; also extensive correspondence from Bishop to family and friends. Bondfield, Margaret Grace, 1873-1953.Papers, 1898-1951 (bulk): 3 cu. ft. Trade-union leader and first woman British cabinet minister. Correspondence, clippings, speeches, publications, government documents, and other publications concerning her involvement in the Labour Party and its election campaigns, 1919-47. Also personal and travel diaries, photographs, memorabilia. Correspondents include Helen Lockwood, Rose Schneiderman, Lillian Wald, Frances Perkins, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Carreno, Teresa, 1853-1917.Papers, 1869-1917: 163 items. Pianist, composer, conductor, and singer. Correspondence, manuscripts, original score. Correspondents include Edward MacDowell, Edvard Grieg, and Camille Saint-Saens. Davis, Hallie Flanagan, 1890-1969.Papers, 1910-69: ca. 13 cu. ft. Playwright, teacher, founder of the Vassar Experimental Theatre, and director of the WPA Federal Theatre Project. Correspondence, travel notes and diaries, materials about the Vassar Experimental Theatre and the Federal Theatre Project; also includes research materials for Joanne Bentley's work, Hallie Flanagan: A Life in the American Theatre. Davis, Paulina Kellogg Wright, 1813-76.Papers, 1843-90: .6 cu. ft. Abolitionist, feminist, suffragist. Correspondence includes letters concerning the women's movement in the U. S. and Europe and the organization of the 1870 Women's Rights Convention. Furness, Caroline, 1869-1936.Papers, 1887-1928: ca. 2 cu. ft. Astronomer and writer (VC 1891). Mainly correspondence from her Vassar astronomy professor and mentor, Mary Watson Whitney, but also regarding her efforts to aid Japanese women, 1918-23. Grove, Elsa Butler, 1884-1969. Papers, 1921-24 (bulk): .3 cu. ft. Medical social worker, served with the Vassar Unit of the American Red Cross at Verdun, France, during WWI; child relief worker in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania (VC 1905). Correspondence, diary of experiences in the Baltic, photographs. Hale, Sarah Josepha, 1788-1879. Correspondence, 1863-67 (bulk): 30 items. Editor of Ladies' Magazine and Godey's Lady's Book; proponent of education for women. Letters from Hale to M. Vassar and Vassar trustees regarding the inclusion of the word "Female" in the name, Vassar Female College. Hill, Elsie Mary, 1883-1970.Papers, 1898-1970: ca. 55 cu. ft. Suffragist and national chair of the National Woman's Party (VC 1906). Correspondence, minutes, reports, press releases, articles, diaries, and photographs relating to her personal and political activities. Correspondence includes about 200 letters from Alice Paul, 1915-70, and many from Anita Pollitzer, 1921-69. Hopkins, Jeannette, 1922-.Papers, 1965-80: ca. 8 cu. ft. Editor and literary agent (VC 1944). Papers concern Hopkins's work as an editor and agent on behalf of authors: correspondence, memoranda, contract summaries for her authors who include Ben H. Bagdikian, James MacGregor Burns, Eugene Genovese, Frank Mankiewicz, Edwin Newman, Stan Steiner, and others. Ladd-Franklin, Christine, 1847-1930.Diaries, 1860-73. Psychologist and mathematician (VC 1869). Two diaries, begun at age 12, record her school experiences, life and studies at Vassar, relationships with women, and irritations with contemporary attitudes toward women. Lockwood, Helen Drusilla, 1891-1971. Papers, 1908-71 (bulk): ca. 29 cu. ft. Educator and workers' education activist (VC 1912). Correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, publications, photographs, scrapbooks, minutes, and curriculum materials relating primarily to her professional career as an English professor and her interests in euthenics, labor, and workers' education. Also includes brochures, newsletters, reports, speeches, school publications, and Lockwood's teaching notes and outlines regarding her association with the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers, the Vineyard Shore Workers' School, the Hudson Shore Labor School, and other workers' education projects, 1922-52. Lowe, Jeanne R., 1924-72.Papers, 1959-73: ca. 29 cu. ft. Journalist and writer on urban affairs (VC 1944). Correspondence, reports, speeches, articles, and other materials pertaining to urban renewal, urban housing, role of women in science, race, public housing, the National Urban Coalition, and community planning. Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925. Correspondence, 1916-25: 59 items. Poet and critic. Correspondence from Lowell to Elisabeth B. Cutting, an editor at the North American Review, concerning articles for the magazine, her poetry, speaking engagements, and other writers. Lutz, Alma, 1890-1973.Papers, 1912-71: ca. 29 cu. ft. Feminist, equal-rights activist, biographer of prominent 19th-century women (VC 1912). Correspondence, clippings, notes, speeches, interviews, photographs, manuscript and published versions of her writings. Major correspondents include Angelica Balabanoff, Pearl S. Buck, and Miriam Holden. McCarthy, Mary Therese, 1912-89.Papers, 1912-89: ca. 65 cu. ft. Novelist, essayist, critic (VC 1933). Correspondence relating to her personal and professional life, research notes, manuscript and published versions of her works, speeches, photographs, and scrapbooks. MacCracken, Henry Noble, 1880-1970.Papers, 1914-70: ca. 166 cu. ft. Educator and president of Vassar College (1915-46). Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, contracts, publications, and other materials pertaining to all aspects of Vassar College; his teaching activities; his personal interests in the American Red Cross, founding of Sarah Lawrence College, Dutchess County Health Association; and personal and business correspondence with Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt, M. Carey Thomas, Mary E. Woolley, and others. Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950.Papers, ca. 1913-59: ca. 6 cu. ft. Pulitzer-prize winning poet (VC 1917). Correspondence, examinations, publications, and records relating to her Vassar College years; manuscripts, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and ephemera dealing with her life after Vassar. Mitchell, Maria, 1818-89.Papers, 1853-89 (bulk): 4 cu. ft. First professor of astronomy at Vassar College; a founder of the Association for the Advancement of Women; first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Correspondence, notebooks, observatory photographs, and manuscripts reflecting Mitchell's personal and professional life. Moore Marianne, 1887-1972.Letters, 1924-65: 62 items. Poet and editor. Correspondence to Fanny Borden, Vassar College Librarian, discussing The Dial; her friendship with Elizabeth Bishop; aiding refugee children during WWII. Raymond, John H., 1814-1878.Papers, 1823-78 (bulk): ca. 2 cu. ft. Minister and president of Vassar College (1864-78). Correspondence relating to his personal and professional life; letter books containing his outgoing correspondence as president of Vassar relating to his views on women's education, students, and other issues; propositions regarding Vassar College salaries and other issues; manuscripts of his sermons; and his scrapbook on women's education, women's work, and women's rights. Richards, Ellen Swallow, 1842-1911.Papers, 1868-1934: .2 cu. ft. First woman graduate of MIT; author of Euthenics, pioneer in sanitation, food chemistry, public health, and home economics; proponent of scientific education of women; a founder of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, now the AAUW (VC 1870). Mainly letters from Richards to friends regarding Vassar College, women at MIT, education, research, travel, Association of Collegiate Alumnae, and the home economics movement. Robertson, Priscilla Smith, 1910-87.Papers: ca. 16 cu. ft. Educator, editor of The Humanist, and writer of Revolutions of 1848 and An Experience of Women (VC 1930). Correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, research and teaching notes, and photographs relating to her personal and professional life and involvement with the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, the Kentucky Civil Liberties Union, The Humanist and history of the Smith and Robertson families. Salmon, Lucy Maynard, 1853-1927.Papers, 1887-1927 (bulk): ca. 26 cu. ft. Historian and teacher, suffragist and pacifist. Author of Domestic Service. Correspondence, manuscripts, publications, clippings, reminiscences, genealogy, and photographs concerning the Vassar College history department, teaching history, woman's suffrage movement, domestic science, historical research methods, and other personal and professional interests. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902.Papers, 1796-1921: ca. 2 cu. ft. Abolitionist, woman's rights advocate. Correspondence with Susan B. Anthony, Paulina Wright Davis, Elizabeth Smith Miller, Gerrit Smith, and others relating to family matters, her children, the woman's movement, her lectures and travels, and other personal and professional interests; clippings, transcripts of her speeches, an autobiographical sketch, and photographs. Taylor, James Monroe, 1848-1916.Papers, 1865-1916: 4 cu. ft. Minister and president of Vassar College, 1886-1914. Correspondence, primarily concerning Vassar College and the education of women; also included are clippings, photographs, and manuscripts of his addresses and his book, Before Vassar Opened. Vassar, Matthew, 1792-1868.Papers, 1769-1890: ca. 8 cu. ft. Businessman, philanthropist, founder of Vassar College. Correspondence, business records, diaries, and memorabilia primarily dealing with Vassar's brewery and other business ventures, the education of women, and the founding of Vassar College. Vassar College Class of 1935. Surveys and oral histories of the Class of 1935: ca. 2 cu. ft. Studies made of class members in anticipation of their 50th class reunion to discover what kinds of contributions they had made and were continuing to make; the impact of their Vassar education; and self-perceptions after many years beyond graduation. Vassar College Class of 1942. Surveys of the Class of 1942: 2 cu. ft. Studies made of class members for their 50th class reunion, including individual surveys and summaries of answers to questions on health, politics, the women's movement, abortion, coeducation, and television. Vassar College Students' Materials Collection. Collection of various materials, 1860-1959, bulking in late 1800s, early 1900s: ca. 42 cu. ft. Vassar students' diaries, letters, notebooks, exams and papers, scrapbooks, and photograph and autograph albums. Some topics touched upon include many aspects of student life, and students' opinions and thoughts on race, ethnicity, and contemporary life. Also includes microfilm of admissions records of early Vassar students. Webster, Jean, 1876-1916.Papers, 1896-1916 (bulk): ca. 10 cu. ft. Writer of drama and fiction, including Daddy Long-Legs and When Patty Went to College (VC 1901). Correspondence, travel notes and diaries, manuscripts, photographs, and clippings related to Webster's personal and professional life and interests, including several trips to Europe and a world tour (1906). Woman's Suffrage and Women's Rights Collection. Collection of various materials, 1866-1974: 3 cu. ft. Publications, correspondence, programs and other ephemera, photographs and clippings of various organizations, including NWP, NOW, and International Federation of Business and Professional Women. Yamakawa, Sutematsu, 1860-1919.Papers, 1882-1919 (bulk): ca. 90 items. First Japanese woman to receive a baccalaureate degree; involved in women's work, especially nursing; wife of Japanese minister of war, Iwao Oyama (VC 1882). Correspondence to Vassar classmates regarding her trip back home to Japan and her life before and after her marriage, articles about Yamakawa, photographs, and memorabilia.
Additional Manuscript Collections of Value for Women's Studies Vassar College Presidents Blanding, Sarah Gibson (1898-1985), educator, president of Vassar College Jewett, Milo Parker (1808-82), educator and first president of Vassar College Other Women of Interest Balabanoff, Angelica (1878-1965), socialist Banning, Margaret Culkin (1891-1982), novelist, essayist (VC 1912) Blanchard, Abbie S. (fl. late 19th century), schoolgirl diarist Brate, Charlotte (1890-1967), artist, children's author, pacifist (VC 1912) Bryner, Edna (1886-1967), writer, student of Tibetan Buddhist literature (VC 1907) Carroll, Ruth Robinson (1899-), illustrator/writer of children's books (VC 1922) Clark, Frances Underhill (1868-1950), Quaker, proponent of human rights of political prisoners (VC 1891) Clarkson, Rosetta Shear (1892-1950), author of works on cultivation of herbs (VC 1914) Cutler, Amelia MacDonald (1882-1947), suffragist, student of rural life (VC 1907) Ellery, Eloise (1875-1958), educator and writer (VC 1897) Goldman, Olive Remington (1887-1985), educator, U. N. official (VC 1919) Hogarth, Grace Weston Allen (1905-), children's author/illustrator (VC 1927) Mason, Ruth Fitch (1890-1974), writer, literary agent (VC 1912) National Women's Political Caucus Pollitzer, Anita (1894-1975), suffragist, equal-rights activist Ramsey, Alice Huyler (1885-1983), first woman to drive a car across the U. S. (VC 1907) Schwartz, Julia Augusta (1873-1957), children's author (VC 1896) Scott, Mary Augusta (1851-1918), scholar, English teacher (VC 1876) Stanley-Brown, Margaret (1895-1958), surgeon (VC 1919) Tappan, Eva March (1854-1930), educator and children's author (VC 1875) Whitney, Marian Parker (1861-1946), educator |