Teaching Seminar

  • March 23, 2015
  • 3:45 PM - 5:00 CST
  • , Room 123
  • Aaron Greicius, greicius@gmail.com
  • Open to the public.
  • Add to calendar
  • Details

    Title: Department assessment plan

    Abstract: We need to put together an assessment plan by June 30, and ideally by the end of the semester.

    Given the magnitude of the undertaking (see the list below), it seems we should break the task into bits. Monday's Teaching Seminar will attempt to do just that, assigning different components to those most interested in tackling them.

    If it makes any difference to you, I remark that---depending on how creative the working groups get---this could result in MAJOR major changes: reworking Math 201, adding a freshman 'experimental mathematics' elective, removing Math 161 from the major, allowing Math 132 students directly into Math 263, nixing the programming requirement, replacing the second semester of analysis with a third semester of algebra, making capstone a required course, nixing probability and statistics from the math major.
    [I hope I've ruffled enough feathers!]

    synopsis of Marian's email, *Summary of March 9...*

    I. Develop outcomes for all courses and majors
    II. Submit a department assessment plan to FCIP by June 30, 2015
    III. File periodic assessment reports thereafter

    I.A. Outcomes for courses
    I.B. Outcomes for each major
    I.C. (optional, but strongly encouraged) Outcome Roadmap covering each entire major
    I.D. (optional) (hah!) tie outcomes to stated mission of department

    II.A. How to measure course outcomes
    II.B. How to measure major outcomes
    II.C. (related, but different) Chose a metric for student progress toward outcomes
    II.D. (optional) Discuss how assessment plan is linked to our strategic plan (what plan?)

    III.A. Timeline for assessment (one semester, four years?)
    III.B. Who will measure/collect data
    III.C. Who will analyze/report findings
    III.D. Who will make sure outcomes are mentioned on syllabi

    We have asked Carol to share the plans submitted by other STEM programs. I do not hope to have them by Monday, but no matter, as this will surely not be the last hour we discuss the topic.

    Hope to see you there.