Podcasting Workshop with Jonathan B. Singer

  • September 1, 2017
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 CST
  • Center for Textual Studies, Loyola Hall, Room 318
  • Kyle Roberts, kroberts2@luc.edu
  • Free
  • All
    Open to the public.
  • luc.edu/ctsdh
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  • Details

    Award-winning podcaster Jonathan Singer leads the first of the fall 2017 Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities workshops, *Podcasting: Why, How and You.*

    Podcasting has been around since 2004, but entered a golden age with the Serial Podcast. Millions of people are podcasting and advertisers are pouring millions of dollars into them. So why would an academic want to podcast when you could write a book, a chapter, an article, or just have coffee with your colleague? Is it really as easy as everyone says it is to create a podcast? If so, why am I not doing it already? Answers to these questions and more from Jonathan B. Singer, PhD, LCSW, associate professor of social work, and founder and host of the award-winning Social Work Podcast.

    If you would like to attend the workshop, please send an email to Kyle Roberts (kroberts2@luc.edu) just so we can have a headcount.