Advancing a Just and Open Media Landscape

  • November 1, 2023
  • 4:30 PM - 5:30 CST
  • IC First Floor & Online
  • Jocelyn Cheng,
  • None
  • Open to the public.
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  • Details

    National Friends of Libraries Week and Open Access Week are occasions that we celebrate at Loyola University Chicago Libraries every fall season. Friends are people who support the Libraries to further our mission. They help us raise awareness about important issues such as open access, a movement to share knowledge freely without barriers. The International Open Access organization identified 'Community Over Commercialization' as this year's theme. Join us for a conversation with panel members from the Loyola community and neighborhood who will share their perspectives on creating and providing access to books and print media, open data, and open digital collections, all of which creates a more open and just media landscape.
    This program will be presented on campus and online. Please sign up below so we can save space for you. Free refreshments.