Continuous Rail Movement: Mexico through Canada

  • October 11, 2023
  • 4:30 PM - 7:00 CST
  • 16. E Pearson St., Room 1001 / Livestream option
  • Mike Hewitt,
  • Free
  • Open to the public.
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  • Details

    The formation of North America's first transnational railroad will have broad implications for international trade between the US, Mexico, and Canada, and embracing its potential can bring tremendous economic and social benefits.
    Please join us for a high level presentation by Rob Liss, vice president of MAKA Logistics, on the importance of this merger, some history behind it, and key factors to its future success in competing against over-the-road (OTR) service. Attendees can participate in-person or virtually.
    After the presentation, join us for a networking happy hour hosted by MAKA Logistics.