09/24/24 Responding to Aggressive Workplace Behavi

  • September 24, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 CST
  • ZOOM
  • Not open to the public.
  • https://epay.luc.edu/C20996_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=7247&SINGLESTORE=true
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  • Details

    Many people have faced a challenging work situation or have had to deal with difficult clients at some point. A raised voice, making unreasonable demands and verbal threats are all warning signs that can potentially lead to aggression. Dealing with a difficult person not only drains employees emotionally but can affect physical well-being as a result of prolonged stress. This training focuses on coping with difficult people as well as learning how to identify, prevent and respond to aggressive behavior in the workplace.