Loyola4Chicago Volunteer Application Open

  • August 28, 2023 - September 7, 2023
  • 8:05 AM - 11:05 PM CST
  • Apply online
  • Bizzy Stephenson, serve@luc.edu
  • Free
  • All students
    Not open to the public.
  • https://www.luc.edu/serve/service/l4c/
  • Add to calendar
  • Details

    Spend a few hours each week doing something meaningful while making friends! Loyola4Chicago is a Community Service and Action program in which students provide once-weekly volunteer service in Chicago during the academic year. APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN AUGUST 28TH-SEPTEMBER 7TH.

    Students work in service teams at various sites including work with children, immigrants, folks with disabilities, and folks experiencing homelessness, among others. Volunteers commit to serving once a week for one semester, with the option to reapply and return for the following semesters.

    Loyola4Chicago volunteers have the unique opportunity to better connect with our neighbors off campus and get to know the Roger's Park and Edgewater neighborhoods. Volunteers also get to meet and build friendships with Loyola students in their small groups who also value service. Volunteers are gifted opportunities to learn about their identities, skills, and deepen their roots in our community.

    Read all the details on our website.