Analysis Seminar

  • November 2, 2022
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 CST
  • BVM 506
  • Rafal Goebel,
  • Open to the public.
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    Xiang Wan, Loyola University Chicago


    Operator Semigroups and Applications to Differential Equations, Part I


    Many differential equations have the abstract form x¿(t) = Ax(t) + f(t). Indeed, A being a number gives an ODE; A being a matrix corresponds to an ODE system (finite dimensional); A being an operator leads to, generally, a PDE (infinite dimensional). While the first two cases are well understood, the last case is vastly more complicated due to the operator A being unbounded in general. For instance, when A being a Laplacian, we are looking at the heat equation.

    In this first talk, we will closely examine the case when A is a matrix or a bounded operator. In particular, the spectral decomposition reveals a deeper connection with the unbouded case, which will be discussed in following talks.